Chapter 3 [Part 1]: S.S.D.D.

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Jellal's P.O.V.

Another 4 years.....

I followed behind Erza, trying to pass through some people out of the bus. As the people separated, which made my path more spacious now, I quickly stepped off the bus, setting foot on the concrete ground of the school's parking lot. We entered the halls, squeezing through a sea of students to our lockers. Erza's locker was right beside mine, so we don't have any trouble finding where our lockers were located.

After placing some shit inside, Erza, once again, asked what the time was.

"Erza, the clock." I cupped her face with my hands to turn her head to face the clock, but I stopped as I quickly pictured what happened just a few minutes ago, back home. When I had tried making her speechless by doing the same thing I'm doing to her right now. I heat up with a deep red shade spreading across my face, realizing my actions. I slid my hands away from her soft face and brought it down at my sides.

But hey, don't get me wrong. I have no feelings for her, whatsoever. I only see her as my best friend and nothing more. I just needed to do that so she would quit yelling at me, but I have to admit, I always found her tantrums adorable.

As I stood there awkwardly across her, she tried shaking it off (I can see it in her face) and looked up to the school hall clock, her pink blush started fading away.

"We have 5 minutes before class starts. Don't you wanna meet up with Gray for a while?" She adjusted the strap of her backpack and lowered her head to hide her face. Gray was one of my friends and well, Erza, she isn't the type of person who socializes frequently, so I can't just leave her for Gray.

I simply rested my hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"He's got Natsu with him, don't worry. How 'bout we walk for a while?" I insisted.

"Sure. Thanks."

After a few minutes exploring some of the halls and parts of the building. We checked the time every once in a while to make sure we weren't going to be late for class. We walked back to the main hall and that's when the bell rang. We hurried to our first class together, knowing Mr. Gildarts comes early in the room. And we do not want to see his reaction if Erza and I don't make it to class in time.

We're together almost in every class, though, except Math and History. First period was Physics, which Mr. Gildarts is going to handle. Same with Gray.

Erza and I made it to the door, opening the rusty knob.

"Hurry, hurry!" She helped me twist the door knob, pushing the door open. The room was awkwardly silent.

"Mr. Fernandes and Ms. Scarlet, what took you so long?" Mr. Gildarts asked with a tone showing that he actually didn't care about our late presence.

"W-We.." Erza stuttered, thinking about an excuse. While we stared at the room around us, I heard footsteps making its way towards us.

I turned around to find out that it was Gray, who had been late for class, as usual. I backed up slightly to make way for Gray. He casually passed through and sat down on his seat, placing his backpack down.

"Oh hello, Gray. It's nice to see you," Mr. Gildarts sarcastically complimented Gray's arrival, making Gray roll his eyes.

Same old Gildarts. I slowly walked to my seat and sat down quietly. Same goes with Erza. We stared at each other for a few seconds and began laughing silently. Mr. Gildarts always expected for tardy students to stand up and tell him a valid reason why they were late, according to one of his rules. Gray, as always, was the only student he expected to do that rule. He never tells other students who comes late in his class. Gray must be his favorite, I guess. And so with that, Gray stood up from his seat after fixing his bag, and stated out his reason, but only to be cut off by Mr. Gildarts afterwards.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gildarts. I was late today because-"

"You drank with your friends? Did some crap at the club? Watched porn last night? No one cares about your excuses, Mr. Fullbuster. So just sit down and we'll all carry on. It's your lucky day, though. I'm not putting you in detention," He said, concentrating and checking a stack of papers, not making eye contact with Gray.

Stupid fuck. You never worked your effortless ass to put him in detention. Not just Gray. Everyone, to be exact.

"If it weren't for my laziness, you wouldn't be here right now," Mr. Gildarts added.

Gray sat down on his seat and gave a cold glare towards him. If looks could kill, Mr. Gildarts would have definitely been dead. He mumbled something under his breath, sticking his middle finger out in the open. Laughter suddenly grew from most of the class, including me, but Mr. Gildarts didn't seem to mind.

Recess came around and I found Erza by her locker, returning some of her books back to her locker. She caught me approaching her as she was about to say something.

"Can you... wait for a sec? I need to go to the restroom..."

"Yeah, sure, I'll wait," I nodded, signalling for her to go to the restroom. After she entered the restroom, two female students followed behind. One had raven hair and the other one had pink. I tried processing if I knew those girls and quickly had an answer.

The black haired girl was Ultear. Ultear Milkobitch–Milkovich, I mean. I'm not entirely sure about her companion, though. She was well-known in school, but I, for one, am not a fan of sluts like her. Selling her virginity to a college student was the only cause of her popularity, according to some students. I could already tell she was just a skimpy whore from the visible lust in her eyes.

After about 5 minutes the two had walked in the restroom, screams suddenly entered my ears. And those screams came from girls. A bunch of girls. And among those girls' voices, I could hear a familiar tone.


I sprinted towards the front of the girls' restroom, when suddenly Ultear and her friend was discovered, blocking my way. But hell, I didn't like the fucking view.

Ultear was covered in several bruises and her hair was completely frizzy which seemed like someone had been pulling her strands of hair to death. And a hideous add-on to her face was a swelling black eye on the right side. She was beaten to a pulp.

I can't help but think it was Erza who had done this to her. It could've been Erza, but I'm not so sure. I did hear her voice though. The two had left, mumbling and raging on someone or something that I couldn't care less of. I turned my head back to face the entrance of the restroom, only to find out that my friend had been badly injured. I widened my eyes and helped her up. What the fuck has she gotten herself into, again?

Good thing she hadn't passed out, yet. I have so many shit to ask her. She tried to say something, but couldn't spill it out. I supported her by taking her arm and wrap it around my neck. She breathed heavily and I couldn't just take my mind off of how she's badly functioning.

Before I could ask or speak, she passed out in my arms.


Author's Note:

Sorry this took long. I've been really busy with school and stuff. I'll try managing my time for this, hopefully. Next chapter will be out in a few days if I have free time. Thank you for reading, guys, and enjoy!

P.S. I watched How To Train Your Dragon 2 already and omf Hiccup is hot af... k bye.

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