Chapter 4: Arguments

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Erza's P.O.V.

Dismissal finally arrived. I hopped out of my seat and went straight to my locker. Well, it's about time. I then thought how Jellal was doing. I was worried. The school faculty could do anything to him. They have ultimate and terrifying power, believe me. Chances are, expulsion, suspension, detention twice or thrice a week, you name it. And I don't want those things to happen to him.

I slammed my locker shut, returning my thoughts to what had happened hours ago at Lunch. When that pervert tried to molest me. I knew he was a man-whore. He's more like Ultear's twin, actually. If you could look deep in their eyes, they have the same lust planted on it.

I sprinted through the halls with my head lowered in humiliation. I'd been a victim of that molester and almost all of the high school students watched the horrific scene of Jellal's fist connecting with Gray's face. Gray.. Gray Fullbuster.. a son of a bitch who doesn't treat girls properly.

Although, it wasn't much of a hot, breaking news that spilled throughout the campus. Well, yeah, it drove billions (highly exaggerated) of people surrounding the scene, but it didn't really make a big deal to the students. Only some, but the only part of the school that was affected was, of course, the faculty and offices.

I swooped down on a swing near the gazebo, waiting for that troublemaker, Jellal, for his presence. Impatiently swinging my ass off, I stopped the movement of the swing and brought out my phone from my pocket that had just vibrated when I took it out. I swiped the screen for access and number one popping out of the Messages icon. I tapped the icon, reading the message that came from my Mom.

'Hi, boo! I'm on my way there, wait for a while, okay? Oh, and please pass it on to Jellal because I'm running out of battery. Take care, sweetie.'

Oh dear Lord, wait till she hears about Jellal's fifth offense this semester. I closed my phone and planned a conspiracy to have my Mom ground Jellal's ass while I swung with much power. I didn't realize the air was this refreshing today, though. Come to think of it, I wonder what's taking Jellal so long. Is detention really this strict? Oh how should I know? I was possibly the most 'respected' and 'innocent' student in Fairy High. With clean records and an outstanding reputation, I have absolutely nothing to worry about. I brought out my phone again, texting Jellal about Mom's reminder and asking him where he was. He replied with a quick 'ok' and an 'i'm out from detention' message.

I sighed, placing my phone back to my pocket. God, Jellal rarely gets himself in detention. I mean, yeah, he's a troublemaker, but I don't understand why he seldom gets caught with the evil and mischievous deeds which who knows what they are. He's just really, really lucky, I guess. But this day is an exception, though, and I can't help but think, he'd punch a dude for me?

It's really sweet of him, to be honest. Although, there's this unknown feeling crawling inside me and it feels absolutely good, but I can't quite identify it. Every time I get near Jellal, there's this strange feeling like someone's repeatedly banging your chest with a mullet, but in a good way, you know? It's kinda weird when you think about it, but it just feels good-

"AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I found myself screaming in the air, also realizing my butt was now detached from the seat of the swing. Shit, shit, shit, oh please get my butt something soft to land on....

"Agh!" Some guy grunted beneath me. I then noticed blue puffy hair, finding out I landed on Jellal. And by the way, he is not close to being soft.

"Jellal??" I jumped off in late reaction and helped him up. God, we're a big mess. He stretched his back and groaned.

"Jeez. What the fuck were you doing back there, Erza?"

I chuckled, rubbing off some small smudges of my shirt. "Well, let's just say I was really having a good time at the swing." He laughed, rubbing off some dirt particles, too.

We didn't have a chance to clean up, since Mom was already waiting behind the gates, so we picked up our bags and  head out to Mom looking like literal shit. Mom widened her eyes in disbelief.

"What a complete mess! What on Earth have you two been doing?!" Mom freaked out.

"Well, it's simple. Jellal played in the mud like a retarded sea lion-"

"Shut up, Erza." He laughed, elbowing me hard at the side of my arm to cut my sentence. "Erza, who mindlessly overswung, landed on my back. Very hard."

"You two should be very thankful for I am allowing you to ride in my very clean car. Now go!" She ordered, pushing us not too hard, but enough to make us fall inside the vehicle. My head landed on Jellal's chest and my body was on top of his. Oh, the awkward feeling again.


The first thing I did in my house was, of course, take a shower. Then I set up our Playstation 3 (it was actually Jellal's birthday present when he was 14, but he shared it with me so yeah) and hopped glumly on my couch.

"Hey Jellal! A round of Dynasty Warriors?!" I shouted from the living room. Jellal was upstairs in his room, doing whatever he's doing.

"Seriously? A game where I suck? Plus, I'm grounded, remember?! Which, by the way, is your fault!" He complained, shouting back.

"You deserved it, anyways! You just can't help falling in love with me to the point you'd actually punch a guy for me."

"Oh shut up, you fuckface. As if I'd be in love with the likes of you. You may be hot, but you are so out of my league. I did that because you're my best friend. Nothing more."

I felt a twinge in my heart, which was out of the ordinary if you ask me, but that is silly. It's probably just a regular thing.

I sighed, pausing the game as I heard his footsteps approaching down the stairs.

"You know fully well I could break his jaw and pummel him to the ground, but I also did not consider that because the school cafeteria wasn't the most appropriate place. Oh but anyways. You're still in love with me huh?"

"No I am not." He said with so much sass it was undeniable. "You are my bestest friend. I do love you. Just not in that way. Aw, why? Are you hurt?"

"Shut up..." I didn't bother continiung since it was starting to get annoying that the subject would only end up with us being in love with each other, which is so not true by the way. He is trash and I am... dash-ingly gorgeous as fuck.

I glanced at him and he was scratching his ass which made me laugh.

"Jesus Christ, now who'd fall in love with that?" I pointed to his ass and laughed immediately.

"Oh you're just jealous I have an ass and you don't." Damn, Jellal! Get back at it again with the sass. I swear to god he's sassier than anyone I've ever known.

I just shut up and returned to my game and left him standing there doing his thing. I took it as a sign of eventual peace.

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