Chapter 12: I Love You

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Erza's P.O.V.

"I love you.." I whispered out.

Oh my god, I..

"A-as a friend.. I-You've been my best friend, actually, since we were kids. I-I've loved you since then and... I knew I'd stay by your side until the end, a-and.." My voice broke and I can't get myself to continue any further.

Is this how I really felt?

Do I really love him, only, as a friend?

"Hey, hey... What's wrong?" Jellal gently pulled away, but I landed my head softly on his chest and sobbed dreadfully.

I wiped my tears before answering, "Sorry, I was just..." Confused.

I look up at him unconvinced to what I've just said, but his eyes were filled with sorrow and concern, mixed together; nothing else. He mumbled an 'it's okay' afterwards and stayed quiet.

Then, he pulled me in another hug. I was glad he knew what he had to do. I don't need to talk right now. I don't want to either. I just need an embrace. I needed silence.

Okay, maybe you're wondering why I broke into tears out of the blue. Well, it isn't that hard to explain, but it also isn't that easy to understand, but here it goes. It's just that feeling when you're really confused with your emotions and you just don't understand what to do. And then you hide your feelings for someone secretly, but actually you just deny it.

And then you spill out some shit that you actually want that person you're keeping your feelings to, to know what you actually feel, but then you quickly rephrased the whole message and now he just sees you as it normally is. And it was actually pretty obvious because you stuttered and everything.

You just fuck up, and then you get to the same problem again.

One more fucking time 'cause you messed the fuck up.

Jellal's P.O.V.

Erza and I were completely peaceful through the embrace. I looked really calm and collected, but deep inside, I was hurt... and shocked. I didn't exactly expect her to say that she loved me. But what I really didn't expect next was that she added as a friend to change my perspective.

But, I didn't exactly believe her. Although I'm not quite sure. She seemed like she wasn't sure about her feelings herself.

It must be hard for her. Maybe.. she's confused with her feelings?

That's the thing with females. I just never understand them. I decided to hug her again until she understands her feelings.

"Erza, you okay?" I said once again in a quiet tone.

"Yeah, just... hold me a little longer. Please.." Erza clung tighter to me and I couldn't resist returning the tight grip.

After some moments of silence, she pulled away gently as I reflected.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." Erza turned around slowly and walked upstairs.

I didn't help myself to go after her. I know Erza too well. She wouldn't want anyone to bother her after moments like this, so I'd best give her some time of her own.

I went upstairs to head to my room and tried to think of what I could do to cheer her up.

Go watch a movie or something, was all I could think of. Or I could prepare her a meal, but knowing her, she wouldn't bother eating whether she was hungry or not. I've always tried to force her into things like that, but the outcome of it all is really terrifying; I wouldn't risk it.

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