Chapter 11: My Salvation

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Jellal's P.O.V.

Ugghh. God, a school day. And the worst part is, it's Monday. But the best part of it is, it's my birthday! It has been the third week of November already, and everything has been moving so fast that we've arrived at my birthday. So, I'll make sure that this day would last long and that it would at least be the most memorable birthday I'll have.

But first, I have to go through the chambers of hell.

I quickly bounced off my bed and went to my wardrobe for an outfit. As soon as I picked it out, I ran inside the bathroom and took a nice, long shower.


And so if it means going through chambers of hell, then I'd have to go through the demon too. Aka, Ultear. Come to think of it, within the past few weeks, she hasn't been bothering me. I find it unusual and eerie though.

I mean, that's basically her routine. And right now, she's not doing anything about it. Whatever hit her to her senses may be blessed. God, It's weird. She's just at her table, talking about God knows what. But, she still looks like an ass, so, that's a good sign.

The bell rang around five minutes, so off I go to my locker. Slamming it shut, I leaned on my locker, waiting for Erza to be done with hers. I started growing impatient, my arms were folded, but damn, I couldn't stay mad at her.

"Be patient, asshole." She chuckled.

She looked up at me as I smiled as if I just got a new game on my PS3. She's encountered this face many times, don't even worry about it.

"Well, you better hurry then! I'm starving!" I whined.

She rolled her eyes instead, grabbing my wrist and lead me towards an open seat.

As soon as Erza left, my eyes swiftly targeted on her as she orders our food. She knew me so well that, let alone, she can choose the type of food for me. Agh, I wonder...

What am I going to do for my birthday?

I thought hard for my brain to navigate something, 'cause, I had always been a man of thoughts. I always think, and I wouldn't let any questions left unanswered. So, what? Jesus, it's my birthday! I should be already deciding what I want or what I please to do because damn, that's the kind of day you own once in every year where you get to do anything and/or have anything you want.

I could say I'm a free man! Well, for this day I suppose. After journeying through my thoughts, I remembered recess was still around, and so was Erza.

"Here you go! A taco for you," she announced, bringing down a plate of the said food. "And a strawberry yogurt for me." She joyfully ate her snack, her eyes sparkling in the process. Which I find completely weird and adorable.

I chuckled, mumbling, "That's cute."

"Of course I'm cute.. Wait.. Did you just say..?" Erza wondered curiously.

"N-Nothing, forget about it," I stuttered as I feel heat dashing up my cheeks. I actually hoped that these kinds of moments happen often, despite the high level of awkwardness.

Luckily, she just chuckled and forgot about it. Or at least that's what I think.


Dismissal had finally come and off we went to the parking lot for my car. Entering inside the car, I shoved the car keys in the ignition and swiveled the key to activate the engine. When Erza and I buckled up in our seats, I took off, driving.

Halfway through the ride, I thought the ride would be awkwardly silent, but I stand corrected as Erza switched on the radio, Pierce The Veil's "King For A Day" blasting through the speakers.

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