The Alcoholic

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"Answer me, Grace! Why didn't you come home last night!? We were all really worried." Dylan demanded, but then softened his voice to a whisper. "I was worried."

Grace didn't answer her brother and just went to her guitar. She picked it up and walked over to the loveseat, sitting on it.

She took a deep breath, nerves interlacing everything. She pulled out her flask and took a swig, putting it away right afterwards.

She started off with a slow tune, but then it turned into a fast paced one. With her words, only a mumble, she began to sing.

I've come out three times first as queer and then as trans 
both times met with acceptance and metaphorical clapping of hands
third time was met with disbelief an awkwardness so chronic 
they thought i must be joking when i said i'm an alcoholic 
they said i was too young as if there's an age limit for addiction 
and they drink way more than me and there's absolutely nothing wrong with them 
i can't say that i agree when our friendship's based on getting drunk 
and sober conversation's a ship of silence that can't be sunk 

'cuz I drink when I'm happy 
and i drink when i'm sad 
and i drink when life is going well 
and when it turns out bad 
i drink to remember 
and i drink to forget 
my mum said that if i carry on 
i'll probably end up dead 

i first realised there were problems when i woke in a strangers bed 
i didn't know where the fuck i was and i couldn't feel my head 
i lost most of my money and i lost most of my clothes 
and with that i found my pants and took to the open road 
i tried to call my friends but none of them picked up 
they were probably still out clubbing 
or probably just too drunk 
so i called the one woman on whom i can rely 
'hi mum it's me i'm lost' i said and then i began to cry 
look around what can you see she asked and i could see big ben 
and i found a train station and promised this won't happen again 
when i promised that i meant it my drinking career would end 
but it didn't stop me doing the exact same thing that next weekend 

if you think it's not a problem then let me tell you this 
i promised my best friend i'd stopped drinking that same night i got pissed 
i missed her exhibition because i was so hungover 
it doesn't take a genius to work out that friendship's over 
when you wanna put down the bottle but you've lost all the willpower
and you slip on the bathroom floor and knock yrself out in the shower 
and you try to kill yourself 'cuz you're convinced you won't be missed 
the next morning you realise you only felt that way 'cuz you were pissed 
when you're abusive towards your friends and abusive towards your partner 
and you wake up with no recollection of that behaviour after 
if you've still got the audacity to tell me i'm okay 
then my friend stay the fuck outta my life and stay the fuck outta my way 

Grace got up, leaving the guitar on the loveseat, and exited to her room.

Dylan went after her.

He held her in his arms, crying into her hair.

She stood stoic in science, hugging him back ever so slightly.

He cried even more

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