Wedding Day 4

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Ilva kept her chin high while she and Jon walked towards the door. She smiled when Rickon touched the soft fabric of her huge skirt while she walked past him and her heart skipped a beat when she saw the bright white old timer in front of the door.

She had never been a huge lover of cars. It had been one of the many things Robb and Jon used to talk about. She had never minded just sitting by and listening. She had enjoyed the passionate fire in their eyes when they yelled out brands and type numbers not even ringing the slightest bell in the back of Ilva's mind. She had even endured waking up in the middle of the night because of some car race on the other side of the world, just because nothing could beat watching Jon and Robb fanatically shouting at a screen at men in colorful suits who couldn't even hear them.

"It's a Rolls Royce Bently S1." Jon leaned towards her while he lead her towards the car. "It has always been one of our favorites."

Ilva smiled and she bit her lip while Jon opened one of the doors. Quickly Sansa hurried towards her to help her to get her dress in without ruining it. Only when both Sansa and Ilva were sure that she was safely seated and ready to go, Jon closed the door and walked towards the other side to slide in next to her.

"Are we ready to leave?" The driver looked at them through the mirror and Jon and Ilva nodded.

For a moment they just sat there in silence. They waved at the friends that had gathered in front of the house, the house where she had lived for so long, but still would never really feel like home anymore. They would all get into their cars too to follow them to the small chapel on top of the hill.

"Is everything alright?" Jon was the first to break the silence. "Are you ready? You still don't regret any of this?" He paused for a moment. "It's not to late to call this whole thing off, you know?" His voice trembled a little and Ilva placed her hand on his upper leg.

"I'm ready." She spoke softly even though there was no one to hear them apart from the driver in the front seat who acted like he was too focussed on the road to hear them. "I'm as ready as I can be and I don't regret anything." She spoke firmly and she pressed the palm of her hand to Jon's stubbled cheek.

He looked really handsome today, but he still wore that frown on his forehead. No one had probably ever seen him without it and the older he got, the deeper it grew.

"I need you." She had the tip of her tongue between her lips. "I want you." She took a deep breath. "And I love you." She smiled at him and Jon leaned towards her.

He had his eyes closed and just when his lips were about to touch hers, she turned her head away so his lips only brushed her cheek.

"Remember what Bran said..." Ilva bent her head and a small giggle escaped, echoing through the car that was big and small at once. "The last thing I want is more bad luck in my life."

"Damn Bran..." Jon shook his head and his hand reached for hers, their fingers entwining. His touch felt safe and warm. When he was near it was like nothing could harm or hurt her. And even though Jon wasn't known for his brightness, the world seemed a little lighter when she was with him.

"I'm glad they're all here today." Ilva tightened her grip on Jon's hand. "I can't imagine how hard it is for them and I don't even want to know how hard it is for Catelyn."

"I'm sure she wouldn't have come if I had married any other girl." Jon squeezed back. "She's here for you." He stared out of the window, to the houses they passed, to the cars that caught up with them easily, to the curious kids on bicycles looking in, attempting to catch a glimpse of the bride and groom. "She's here for him. She's here because he would have wanted her to."

Ilva kept silent. She kept on holding onto his hand and she watched him, glancing at the outside world. "She lost her husband and her son. She's amazingly strong, but she's not flawless. Not being able to love you is her biggest flaw."

Jon looked back at Ilva and he tucked a blond curl behind her ear while he nodded. "I never thought I'd see Arya in a dress." He changed the subject and Ilva allowed him to.

"She only wears one because she was afraid Catelyn and Ned would be mad at her if she didn't." Ilva shook her head. "I already assured her that it's our wedding and not theirs, but I couldn't change her mind."

"She's wrong though." Jon leaned back and he rested against the head rest. "Father wouldn't have been angry with her. He would have pretended to be. But he would have smiled and he would have been proud."

Ilva had not known Ned. She had only heard stories about him. She had heard countless of stories about him and about how he had raised his children, all his children including Jon. She had always believed him to be a great father and a maybe even greater friend. Sometimes she missed him, even though she had never really met him.

"But she's right about Catelyn." Jon pulled her hand in his lap. "She would have lynched Arya if she had not shown up as a proper lady."

Ilva leaned back too while she thought about the little girl, growing up to be stronger and smarter every day. "Arya is a proper lady. With or without dress." She allowed herself to close her eyes for a second, just a second, and smiled once more. "I hope that Catelyn will one day realize that her daughter is beautiful in her own and I hope that Catelyn can be proud of her."

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