Life with Robb 3

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"You look absolutely gorgeous, Ilva Stark - the Winter." Robb reached for Ilva's hand and pressed a soft kiss on her knuckles. The smile on his lips brightened when his eyes met hers and little lights of joy danced in the endless sea of bright blue that was staring at her. "I hope it doesn't make you uneasy if I call you that? I simply wanted to try out how it sounded and how it felt to say it."

Ilva rolled her eyes and she shifted her weight from one leg to the other. She already regretted the high heels she was wearing, but she had read the dresscode considering gala's and she was afraid that without those high heels she would not make it in. Her brand new red dress showed a little more cleavage than she was used to, but at least her skirt reached the floor.

"Are you ready to be escorted to the official headquarters of the New York Wolves?" He cocked his head and even though he was wearing a black suit and a blue tie matching the colors of his eyes, he was still looking almost boyish. No matter how he was dressed or how he spoke, he never seemed to be able to shake it. Maybe he didn't even try.

"After everything you've told me about that fraternity of yours, I'm not sure if I'll ever be ready to go there." Ilva pulled her hand back and she used it to stuck a loose strand of hair that had escaped her braid behind her ear. "It's that I feel horrible for all those other women who've come there, else I would have stayed at home in my pajamas to watch Netflix."

Robb chuckled while he threw his head in his neck. "I'm sure that all my friends, myself included, will be at their best behavior tonight. I don't vow for any of them during normal evenings when it's men only, but under the watchful eyes of so many pretty girls, we can't do anything but keep ourselves in check, can't we?" He turned around and offered Ilva his arm.

She shook her head while she grabbed it and she watched how her dorm mate closed the door behind them with a smirk on her face. "You do realize that at some point you will be out of fairytale-dates, do you?" Ilva's high heels ticked on the linoleum of the hallway.

The walls of the building were bare. It was impossible to guess how long ago the last painter had entered it, but it had to be around the time it was built. And even though it was not allowed to smoke inside, the walls had witnessed more than a few secret cigarettes over the years.

"What are you implying, Ilva Stark - the Winter?" He raised his eyebrows while he glanced at her. He called for the elevator while he kept on looking at her and Ilva felt her cheeks blushing. "Are you afraid that you won't love me anymore once I'm out of prince like moments and have to find refugee in mundane activities?"

Ilva smiled and stuck the tip of her tongue between her lips. "You should be the one afraid of that, since I assume that in that case I will be the one breaking your heart."

"Your heart can break only once, they say." Robb lead Ilva into the elevator and they both turned around to watch the doors close. "It would be my absolute honor to have mine broken by you, princess." He casually wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her a little closer towards him. He didn't attempt to lean towards her or kiss her.

There had been quite a few moments Ilva had thought that maybe it was finally going to happen and maybe Robb was finally going to give her her very first kiss, but he had never done so.

It almost seemed as if he was waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect location and the perfect circumstances. It was a pity that perfect didn't exist, although Robb Stark came dangerously close to it.

Apart from the fact that he was failing his classes and felt the threat of having to quit his studies constantly hanging over him.

"Charmer." Ilva lifted her chin and straightened her back while she walked out of the elevator once it had reached the ground floor, but she stood still when she saw the black limousine parked in front of the door. "What the..."

Robb placed his strong hands on both her shoulders. "I already promised that I would make sure you would travel in style today, princess." He pushed her towards the expensive car, but Ilva wasn't capable of moving.

She had her jaw dropped and she stared at the glimmer, at the paint that seemed to be sprayed over this car only yesterday, at the dark black windows reflecting her but keeping everything and everyone inside hidden for the outside world. "I was actually expecting a carriage, considering the fact that you're letting yourself be inspired by royal princes."

"You will be surprised, but carriages with four horses are more expensive than hiring this limousine for tonight." Robb grinned and he walked towards one of the doors to open it. "And although money is not a factor as long as my father doesn't hear about my grades, I thought that the limousine would be more comfortable too, to be honest."

"I don't even doubt that." Ilva stepped in and she stiffened when she noticed another boy with a pretty girl next to him already sitting in the car.

"Ilva? This is Jon, my half-brother with his date Ygritte." Robb climbed into the limousine too and he pressed his hip firmly to Ilva's. "Ygritte, Jon, this is Ilva, the girl..."

"You can't shut up about." Jon interrupted him and a smile spread across his face. Instead of stretching out his hand he reached for a bottle of champagne and opened it. His dark black curls were tied into a bun and with the smile still on his face he offered Ilva one of the glasses. "I've heard a few too many things about you." He paused for a short moment and Ilva swallowed. "Don't worry, Robb only told me the good."

"Because there is only good to tell." Robb shrugged and he made himself comfortable while the car started moving. "You'll see it for yourself, brother. Ilva the Winter is perfect and that is exactly why this time I want to make sure I don't ruin it." He started to speak softer and softer. "Because one day, I'm gonna marry her and she's gonna be Ilva Stark - the Winter."

Ilva had to admit that envisioning them marrying seemed like a far stretch right now, considering the fact that they hadn't even shared a kiss yet and weren't officially a couple, but for some reason the thought of being his wife one day made her heart skip a few beats while a pleasant warmth spread through her entire body. Ilva Stark - the Winter. She had to admit that it didn't sound bad at all. 

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