4. Chief Executive 'What's-his-name'

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Tie entered the roomy office and stopped at a glass desk. The back of a tall black chair hid the occupant who was facing the floor-to-ceiling window. An elbow resting on the left armrest revealed that he was wearing a dark suit.

Tie leaned that way, attempting to glimpse the CEO's reflection in the glass. It was distorted and unrecognizable, like an abstract painting.

"Hello Mr. Finnburgher," greeted a high pitched man's voice, "do you prefer to be called Tie, or Quincy?"

The question caught him off guard.

"Tie!" He shouted confidently, and was immediately upset with himself. He hated that nickname.

"Please have a seat, Tie."

He gently lowered himself into the thick leather settee to his right that groaned as if inconvenienced.

"Oksana advised me that your exemplary performance makes you the ideal candidate for a major task; a personal favor."

Tie sat proudly erect from the compliment, and, for having discretely gleaned the receptionist's name. He scanned the clear desk for a business card in order to have similar success with the CEO.

The glass top glistened in the sunlight like an ocean; it was marred in the centre by a brown envelope island.

"I must have that package delivered to a colleague and close friend, Mr. Elliot, on the top floor of the Socony-Mobil.

Tie looked out the window. He could see that building directly across the street; it was closer to him right now than the ground, as if he could open the window, and hand it across the divide.

"He will be expecting it sometime before the end of the business day. Can I entrust you with this?"

Tie nodded. The CEO continued,

"My analysis shows that this assignment will compromise your agenda tonight; it will tax your resolve, relationship, and," the CEO cleared his throat as if the next words were stuck, "your wardrobe."

Tie frowned at the slight to his attire as the CEO continued,

"I have taken steps to mitigate this. Oksana has cleared your work schedule. Furthermore..."

Tie relaxed; he won't have to work late.

"...nearby at Sam's Tailors, you will find a bespoke Savile Row ensemble, and then at the Cobbler, Thom Browne wingtips..."

Tie's eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped at this exceptional addition to his closet. He leaned forward.

"...to ensure that today's mission will not keep you from dinner with Renee. In celebration of your impending nuptials, please take the rest of the week off. All I ask is that you ensure that package is delivered before three p.m. today."

Tie squirmed, uneasy with the personal detail that was just revealed, as if his life was an open book. He thought he had eluded the office gossip that permeated the building.

He picked up the paper-back sized package, and then stood before the desk, unsure what to do next.

"Thank-you, and good day."

Tie abandoned his handshake and name undertaking. He silently fled the office and ran to the elevator.

He looked back; the CEO's door was closed.

Oksana glanced up at him. He waved, and tried to smile. She looked down at her desk, as if bored, like a jaguar that had already eaten.

He entered the elevator, let out a deep breath, and pressed '12' instead of 'G".

There were two other missions to complete before leaving the building. The first, admonish his loose-lipped colleagues, and then thank them.

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