19. Similar Differences

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Tie took three lopsided steps into a spacious, yet drab office with white unadorned walls. He stopped at a large black bureau.

The tall back of a white leather chair faced him, hiding the occupant that faced the floor to ceiling window, as Cliff had done four hours ago in a black chair behind a clear desk.

Tie also noticed the dark elbow on the left armrest; it was the same shade as Cliff's.

"Good day Mr. Finnburgher, please place my package on the table, and have a seat."

Tie began to wonder if this CEO was Cliff; the voice was familiar too.

Tie placed the envelope in the middle of the large black surface. It looked like a small brown planet in the void of a universe.

Tie lowered himself into a white leather settee. After squirming into it, he worried about leaving a dirty imprint from his clothes, like an outline at a murder scene.

"I was expecting you to be here..."

Tie slouched and looked at the floor.

"...in ten minutes. I'm impressed; you are a most reliable and dependable employee."

Tie sat up with wide eyes and exhaled like a deflating balloon.

"This was an incredible feat, and I would like to show my gratitude."

Tie thought about his mounting debt.

"I am aware of your plans this evening; your incidentals at the Brooklyn Fare will be charged to my existing account. Of course, this will include a decanted Chateau Lafite, and Dom Perignon after dinner when Renee slips on the ring. Please do not offend the Maitre'd by exposing your wallet."

Tie's jaw dropped; several thoughts swirled in his mind; how to get new clothes, how to pick up the ring, how easily rumours traverse the road. It was interrupted by an overriding one...

What is in that package?

"Thank-you, and congratulations; Renee is a very lucky woman."

Tie stood and waited, hoping that Mr. Elliott would turn, and open the envelope. After three seconds, his lingering became awkward.

Time was crucial; Renee would be meeting him in the lobby soon. He hobbled away, wondering how to keep the reservation without time to change or pick up the ring.

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