5. Renee

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The Otis started to descend. Prince's "Raspberry Beret" buzzed in Tie's pocket.

Upon hearing Renee's ringtone, Tie fumbled for his phone that bounced like popcorn in his hand until he caught it. He was grateful that she had not called a minute earlier.

They conversed three times every weekday; morning recess, lunch, and afternoon recess; Tie timed his breaks accordingly.

"Hello Peaches," he answered.

"I've made up my mind," she stated as kids squealed in the background. "I would like to have Dom Perignon with dinner; I want to make tonight most super spectacular."

Tie flinched. His responsibility will be drinks and the waiter's tip, which would now eclipse the value of the tiny gem he was proposing with. He would look better popping the cork than the question. It was also approaching the limit of both his account, and overdraft. He offered an alternative.

"I am going to finish work early; we could meet at the wine bar for a nice Cabernet; I have a surprise for you."

"A proposal at the Brooklyn Fare would be more romantic."

Tie had meant the revelation to be his new handsome suit and shoes; he was unsure how to respond.

Renee also tried to recover,

"Ah, I mean, we should wait for dinner to discuss our proposals for this year's vacation."

It was a poor recovery; she needed to escape,

"Have to run; Jennifer has gum in her hair. Love you."

"Bye pumpkin," stammered Tie to the empty phone line as he reached the twelfth.

Look Both Ways (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz