7. Slow, Down

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Tie was reminded of exiting procedures by the 'In Case Of Fire Use Stairs' sign. He ignored it like parental advice.

Stella returned to her desk, discovered the cupcake, and beamed.

"Don't use the elevator," she cautioned, "it could short out, and leave you stuck."

The doors dinged opened. It was crammed like a clown car.

"Sage advice," he thanked, and moved to the emergency exit, posturing that the elevator would stop at every floor anyway.

The stairwell was a teeming migration of people edging downwards. He merged into the flock from his twelfth floor perch, and joined the expedition.

Tie itemized a quick itinerary; it was eleven a.m.; he would have the package delivered within twenty minutes, then pick up the ring, suit and shoes before one, and have plenty of time to run to his condo and change.

His phone sang 'Raspberry Beret'.

Tie whispered into it, in an attempt for privacy, "Hello Sugarplum; this is unexpected."

"The Principle arranged a substitute; I'm on my way home! Wine bar, when?"

Tie refined his timeline, "At two?" he offered.

"I'm so excited. Once you're done work, we only have one more engagement today. Love you."

"Bye Blossom," he replied, and wondered if 'engagement' was intentional.

The descent slowed as the fifteen minute trek reached the bottom. Tie emerged with the horde in the lobby where a fireman directed the stampede to the exit.

They were herded across E 43rd Street, which the police had closed off to vehicles. The pack corralled on the sidewalk.

Tie looked back; the Socony-Mobil was not visible; it was blocked by his own tower. He had accepted this task an hour ago, and had successfully moved one block further away.

He laughed, uneasily.

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