6. Friends On The Fifteenth

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Stella looked at him warily, trying to gauge the result of the meeting upstairs.

"That was a short tête-á-tête," she offered as an opener to start the flow of information.

Tie retrieved his mug and donut.

John spotted him and ran over.

"Did you say 'Hi' to Cliff for us? What did he want?"

The CEO's name was useless to him now, but Tie repeated it anyway as he bragged, "Cliff requested an expeditious delivery across the street from his most trusted employee."

He handed John the package who then held it up to the fluorescent light, as if it was an x-ray machine.

Sam walked up. "That's a relief, Quincy Hamburger," she mocked, "I thought you got canned."

She snatched the package from John, and also examined it against the lighting, to make a second opinion.

Carl was walking down an aisle, and detoured to them. He leaned on Stella's desk.

"I thought lunch was at noon," he stated. This was a pink trial balloon; they could safely ignore it.

Sam handed him the package, like a game of hot potato.

He juggled the package, and couldn't resist; he held it up to the lights as he asked,

"How did you get by Oksana without turning to stone?"

"She was very polite. We even shook hands," touted Tie.

They collectively paused and stared at him.

It was Stella's turn; she tested the security of the envelope's seal as she fished for an invitation. "Big plans tonight; do we have to wait for the wedding to meet Renee?"

As he formulated a response, Sam piped up, "Can we see the rock?"

"I am picking it up after this mission," explained Tie.

Stella 'tsked' her disapproval as she returned the package to him.

The small crowd dispersed. Tie went to his cubicle and retrieved a small cardboard box. Stella had stepped away from her post, so he placed the marzipan cupcake on her vacant desk.

As he waited for the elevator, the fire alarm blared.

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