18. The Dreadful Reception

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Tie faced a maple slatted wall, and turned right..

The receptionist was a bulky young man that reminded Tie of Officer Dan. He was tanned, with eyes framed by guy-liner, and long dreadlocks past his shoulders.

A dozen looped piercings made a chain link fence over his ears..

He hunched his large fame over a plastic red desk with his  hands clasped on the top. This created an image of a courtroom judge behind a toy bench.

His voice was surprisingly high pitched, like a young girl.

"Mr. Finnburgher?" he sang while glancing at a watch.

Tie gave a slight nod, closed his eyes, straightened his back, and marched forward.

"Good to meet you," he stated as he wiped a sweaty palm on his slacks and then presented his dirty paw. His damp shirt clung to his arm like a sticker.

The receptionist wrinkled his nose and leaned away.

"I...don't think so," he scoffed, as he pushed a button on the desk.

Dreadlocks nodded to the door on the left.

Tie took a deep breath, and limped into the office on one tar specked shoe.

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