8. Left or Right?

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The perimeter of The Chrysler was cordoned off; Tie would have to cross another road before meandering towards Mr. Elliott's bureau.

There were fewer pedestrians to the right, but the smell of barbecued wieners from the left called him like a siren's song; he couldn't resist.

At the corner, he spied the hot dog cart a few strides away.

Tie had never been out of his building at lunch; he either brown-bagged tuna on whole wheat, or settled for cafeteria ham kaisers. He queued behind the lone patron, an elderly lady with a bonnet of grey hair and a small pink rhinestone studded handbag.

She was in the process of paying for a frankfurter; meticulously hunting in her tiny purse for nickels, dimes, and pennies, counting them out like a five year old emptying a piggy bank.

Tie patiently enjoyed sunshine on his face.

Five minutes later, he placed his order, and waited on an adjacent ledge for it to be grilled.

The penny-lady finished garnishing her meal with condiments; as she returned the mustard, a seagull swooped in and stole her bounty.

"Just a few more minutes," advised the vendor as he donated Tie's hot dog to replenish the stolen one. Tie nodded his approval, as a new sausage was placed on the grill.

The sidewalks became busy. The line at the cart grew, and more links roasted. Tie felt fortunate to be ahead of the lunchtime rush.

He enjoyed his meal on the ledge as he watched the emergency vehicles around his building depart.

Tie stood, ready to expedite the delivery.

His stomach promptly advised him that he had sixty seconds to find a washroom.

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