A safe place

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When Harry eventually came around, he realised that he was alone on the beach, holding Dobby in his arms. Bill Weasley began to walk towards him, letting Harry know that they had come to the right place.
"Where is everyone?" Asked Harry.
"They're inside" replied Bill.
"Is Hermione...?"
"She'll be alright".
Harry wrapped Dobby up in his jacket like a blanket, and carried him into the house.
He heard Fleur suggesting how they should bury the elf, and Harry nodded, not knowing what he was agreeing to.
"I want to do it properly. Without magic" said Harry.

Bill found him a spade and Harry began to dig a hole at the end of the garden. He dug with a kind of fury, his scar burned, but he was a master of pain. He had learned to control it at last. Just as Voldemort couldn't possess him as he was consumed with grief for Sirius. He could not penetrate Harry now, as he mourned for Dobby.
Once he had finished, everyone gathered round, as Harry placed Dobby into the hole.
Dean had found a hat and placed it on Dobby's head. Ron had given up his own shoes and socks, and placed them on the elf's feet.
Hermione was wrapped in a dressing gown, and Jenny looked close to collapsing from exhaustion. But they were there to say goodbye to Dobby.

Once everyone had said their goobyes, Bill raised his wand and filled the hole back up with dirt.
"Do you mind if I stay here a moment?" Asked Harry.
Everyone nodded, and left Harry alone, beside Dobby's grave. Harry found a stone, and began to scratch a message on it. He placed the stone onto the grave and stood up.

'Here lies Dobby, a free elf'.

There was not much room in Shell Cottage, and Bill planned to move everyone to his Aunt Muriel's once they were well. Jenny did not have a bed to sleep in, so she took the sofa. As soon as her head touched the sofa, she fell asleep.
She had one hand closed around her wand that Harry had given back to her, after taking it from Draco at Malfoy Manor. Jenny had also given Harry back his ring, now that they were safe.
While Jenny slept, Harry questioned Griphook and Ollivander in turn. Finally making up his mind.
Hallows or Horcruxes.
He finally knew what Dumbledore wanted from him, and which one he needed to find. It was his job to find the Horcruxes, and he couldn't let anything else get in the way.

When Jenny woke up, Harry came in to talk to her. There was an awkward tension in the room. Harry's face had returned to normal, but Jenny still looked like a skeletal figure.
"How...How long had you been there?" He asked.
Jenny shuffled uncomfortably.
"I few weeks I think.
"How did the capture you?"
"I left the house for the first time in a month, I needed some fresh air. And they ambushed me"
"What did they want from you?"
"Nothing... They wanted me to become a Death Eater"
"Really? Well that's stupid. What possible reason could you have for wanting to become one of them?".
Jenny looked away, embarressed. Harry raised an eyebrow.
"You considered it?" He said, sounding shocked.

"It was hard not to at times. I thought it would be nice to live without being constantly afraid that someone is going kill me" explained Jenny.
"After all they've done. After all the people they have killed. My dad, Sirius, Dumbledore..."
"I know Harry" interupted Jenny.
"All your family is part of the Order, why would you ever want to join the Death Eaters?"
"What family? You? We barely know each other. The Dark Lord didn't even ask me where you were, because he knew that I didn't have a clue. He understands me"
"I can't believe I'm hearing this"
"If you had spent weeks being tormented and kept in darkness, you would understand. The only time I didn't suffer was when He came round. So you can see why I enjoyed his visits. It gave me a break from being trapped with the Death Eaters".

Harry stood up, unable to hear anymore.
"You wanted to become a Death Eater?" he said slowly.
"I didn't WANT to. But there were times when I thought that it might be a good idea. But listen Harry, I didn't give in. I never became one of them" replied Jenny showing him her arm. Which was clear.
"I don't have a Dark Mark. I didn't become a Death Eater. I fought them every step of the way. I refused to be a pawn in their game" she continued.
"So you don't want to kill me?"
Jenny laughed and shook her head.
"I would never hurt you Harry. There is nothing they could say that would make me want to kill you. You are my brother's son, and I could never betray you".
"That's good then".

"Are you going to go back home soon, to the Potter Manor?" Asked Harry.
"No. I am not going to get stuck in there again. I'm going to go with Ollivander to Muriel's house. All the Weasley's are there, so I will have lots of company. I don't want to be alone again" replied Jenny.
Harry bent down, and took hold of Jenny's hands.
"You are not alone. Do you hear me? You are never alone. You have me and Lupin, and dozens of others. Lots of people care about you"
"It feels good to hear you say that Harry"
"Well it's true"
"If you say so"
"I do".

Jenny and Ollivander didn't leave until a few days later, once the wandmaker had had more time to heal. Although Jenny would be living somewhere else, she promised to keep visting Harry, until he left.
Muriel had a big house, not as big as Jenny's, but much larger than the Burrow. All the Weasley's were living there, as their home was no longer safe because the Death Eaters now knew that Ron was with Harry.
When Bill apparated with Jenny and Ollivander, Molly was waiting for them in the Muriel's living room.

Even though Jenny was an adult, and not closely related to Molly, she still saw her as a mother figure. And Molly felt the same, because when Jenny arrived, she pulled Jenny into a warm hug.
It was strange for Jenny to be hugged by another woman. Her own mother had died when she was only 15, so she wasn't used to being shown that kind of love. She hugged Remus and Harry, but they were family, and boys.

"So good to see you again Jennifer" said Molly warmly as she released Jenny.
"Thank you Molly. And please, just call me Jenny" she replied.
"Jenny. Well it might not be what you are used to. And your room isn't very big..."
"I'm sure it's fine Molly"
"It's opposite Ginny's room, and next to Fred and George's room I'm afraid"
"I don't mind Molly. Honestly, I'm just greatfull that your Aunt is letting me stay here. Besides, anything is better than where I was before"
"You are too kind. Anyway, I'll leave you to settle in. Charlie is waiting to talk to you, his room is the floor above yours, on the same floor as ours and Ollivanders".

"Charlie is here?" Jenny questioned.
"Yes. He is very anxious to talk to you. When you stopped replying to his letters, he became very worried, so he's being staying with us for a week or so, waiting for news. Now that none of us can go to work, I think he is going to stay here" replied Molly.
"Harry is sorry about all that"
"Doesn't matter now. It was bound to happen eventually. Now go upstairs and settle in. I'll see you in the dinning room for lunch at 1".
Jenny nodded, and began making her way to the floor upstairs, where her room was.

When she got to the landing she bumped into Ginny.
"Hi Ginny. Are you getting ready to go back to Hogwarts?" Asked Jenny.
Ginny shook her head.
"It's not safe for me to go back. Luna and Dean aren't going back either".
"I see. Sorry about all this. My family has a habit of messing things up"
"It's not your fault. Anyway, that is your room". Ginny pointed at a room opposite the one she had just come out of.
"Thanks Ginny. I'll look later. I wanted to speak to Charlie first"
"He's upstairs".
Jenny nodded, and began making her way to the top floor.

She knocked on the door of the room directly above her's, hoping it was the right one.
"Come in" ordered a voice from the other side.
Jenny sighed and pushed open the door, coming face to face with Charlie. She shut the door behind her, and stepped closer to him.
"Hello Charlie" whispered Jenny.
"Jenny?" Asked Charlie.
"I know I look a bit different. The last time you saw me I was wearing a pretty ball gown. And now I look hideous"
"No you don't"
"Charlie, I'm a mess. My bones are more prominent than ever, my body looks like a Thestral. My face is a shadow of what it used to be. I look like a hag"
"That's not true"
"Even you can't put a positive spin on this".

Charlie stepped towards Jenny, and pushed her hair behind her ear.
"You look beautiful" he whispered.
"No, it's true. There is nothing wrong with you, that a few decent meals and a goodnight's sleep can't cure. I've been so worried about you. It's good to see you back, safe and sound" interupted Charlie.
"I think it will take more than a night's sleep to fix me"
"Well a few night's sleep then".
Jenny laughed. "Maybe".
Molly's voice bellowed throughout the house.
"Care to escort me to lunch Miss Potter?" Asked Charlie, raising his arm.
"Of course Mr Weasley" replied Jenny smiling.
She placed her arm onto Charlie's, and the two of them made their way downstairs to lunch.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (book 2) Jenny and HarryWhere stories live. Discover now