Chapter 5

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Kenith, Daybreak, and Amber quietly walked through the forest. Amber gains sight of a Pokémon. "Guys, over here" she whispered to Kenith and Daybreak. They walked towards Amber to see what she was looking at. They saw a Bayleef eating an Occa Berry.

Amber took out the knife that was hidden in her furry scruff and held it firmly in her mouth ready to kill the Starter.

"What's the plan?" Daybreak asked Kenith.

Kenith was stuck in thought before he answered, "I've got the perfect plan. It's foolproof."

Daybreak and Amber were ready to put their plan into action. They exposed themselves to the Bayleef, who dropped his berry and went to a battle stance ready to fight. Unexpectedly the Bayleef was levitated up in the air by Daybreak and Kenith's Psychic. He struggled to escape their grasp but to no avail. Amber then attacked the Bayleef with Flamethrower, burning the poor grass type alive. Afterwards, she then struck the Bayleef and slit his throat with her knife as the victim yowled in agony. Amber smiled with joy and laughed maniacally, enjoying all the pain she was giving the Starter. They left the Bayleef there to bleed to death.

Later in Kenith and Daybreak's cave, they sat around a warm fire Amber made. "That was amazing! Your plan worked nicely Kenith!" she said.

"It was truly remarkable" Daybreak replied. "So, Amber?"

"What is it?" Amber asked.

Daybreak looked into her eyes. "What do you say about joining our own little Squad?"

"Are you kidding!! That battle I had was one of my best!! I loved every second of killing that Bayleef!! Of course, we can be a team, we'll surely annihilate the Starter Squad together." Amber answered.

"That's good to hear that you would love to join us! We'll glad to have you on our side" Kenith replied.

"How about we go kill some more Starters?" Daybreak asked.

"You always know exactly what I'm thinking, Daybreak" he said as he licked her cheek.

"Let's do it!" Amber agreed.


Amber, Kenith and Daybreak walked through the forest together, seeking for their next target. They find another grass type, only this one was a small pre-evolution Starter; a Bulbasaur. He was gazing at the beautiful outlook of nature he was in, not noticing the three murderers. Kenith, Daybreak and Amber watched the Bulbasaur carefully, ready to strike at any moment. They saw the Bulbasaur was about to leave and if they don't attack now, they won't be able to catch him.

They revealed themselves to the Bulbasaur, who looked at them with a terrified expression, knowing who they were. He was clearly outnumbered and knew he didn't stand a chance to fight them alone, especially with a fire type on their side so he took a run for it. Amber, Kenith and Daybreak chased the poor Starter and was gaining sight on him fast.

"Help!!!!" He cried. After a few seconds later, a bush began to rustle and out came a certain Pikachu. The Bulbasaur knew who she was of course. "Lightning" he sighed in relief.

"You!!" Kenith and Daybreak said in unison.

"Hibiscus, run!!" Lightning ordered, knowing they couldn't fight the three murderers at once. Lightning used Electro Ball to keep them back before running away as well.

Kenith, Daybreak and Amber quickly shook off the attack she threw at them to see that they were gone. Kenith growled. "That Pikachu will pay!!"


Another chapter this week.

Hibiscus was created by CuteKitty3157

Hope you enjoyed!

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