Chapter 13

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The Deadly Diamond sat down beside each other in the cave and ate their berries. Once they finished they began brainstorming their next plan.

"How about we break into the Pokebank?" Algeo asked.

"Steal money?" Kenith questioned as if he wasn't sure of the idea.

"Yes And with it we could buy items to help us defeat the squad." Algeo said.

"Hm... Well Daybreak and I already have items to help us but you guys might need some too. Fine... Then once we all have what we need we will be unstoppable." Kenith said, putting his black glasses on. "Let's Go Team!!"

They left the cave again to go back into Poketown. Aquarius, now dead, let Avail take his position as the rest of them were in their normal places. Avail grinned at the thought of becoming the most frightening villain in Poketown once this was all over. "I'm so ready..." she thought to herself with a small chuckle. No one seemed to notice her.

Once they made it to the outside of the Pokebank building. They hid at the side of the building. Kenith peeked out to see a group of 10 Starter Squad members walk in the bank and 3 PK Police Officers. With that much of a crowd, the bank may have already been broken into before they even got there.

Kenith turned to his group of deadly Eeveelutions. "Alright, huddle in group." He whispered to them.

The group did as they told as they huddled in a circle around Kenith. "Guys, we know we're not gonna live forever but this is going to end at one point or another. Now I don't know about you but I don't want to go back. I'll follow you to the ends of the earth." He started, looking at Daybreak with a smile. Now it's time for you to follow me right now." Kenith looked out to see that the Starters and police were not aware of them. Kenith gave the group a leaf hoody to hide their identity and they sneaked past the crime fighters and into the bank.

"Alright!! Put your paws up in the air!!" Kenith yelled at the Pokémon in the bank. The Pokémon did as they told. "Now, drop to the floor!!"

The Pokémon all dropped down to the floor. "Now put the money in the bag!!" He ordered a Meowth standing at the cashier. "Do it!!! Or you'll die!!"

Algeo began to charge up an Ice Beam. Amber charged up an ember attack. Emerald and Daybreak charged a Psybeam. "Okay, okay. T-take all the money you want..." the Meowth mewed.

"Scaredy cat..." Algeo thought.

Kenith filled the bag with the money. As he was busy, unbeknownst to any of the Deadly Diamond group, a Quilava slowly crawled to the open door to escape. He ran straight to Lightning. "There's a robbery in progress."

"What?! Another one. Right now? Guys come on" she gestured the Starter Squad group and P.K Police to follow them.

Kenith finished filling the bag with money and gestured the Deadly Diamond to leave through the back door as he did the Meowth saw his opportunity to attack at their turned backs and used Thunderbolt. Kenith was shocked as he collapsed to the ground. Daybreak helped him up as they fled the bank only to see many Starters and police mon glaring at them.

"Oh shoot!!" They groaned.

"You are under arrest!" Lightning yelled. Lightning ran towards them with her Iron Tail. Daybreak ran towards her with an Iron Tail of her own as well. Kenith avoided Lightning's and swiped at Lightning with hers. She collapsed to the ground.

An Alakazam Police mon was busy attacking Kenith. The Alakazam used Double Team. Kenith knew how to handle it as he avoided the attack and took down the Alakazam. Three fire type starter Pokémon surrounded Avail. They attacked her with flame thrower as she was scorched by the flames. Avail slowly got to her paws and she sees Amber and Algeo rubbing towards her. She grinned mischievously and tripped the two.

"Hey!!! What do you think you're doing?!?! Are you trying to get us killed!!" Amber yelled at Avail. Amber sees a group of water types walk to her. She growled and took out her knife. They each shoot a water gun attack at her. She realizes she doesn't stand a chance and she flees, losing the group.

Algeo, however, wasn't able to escape the fire types and was burned to death by them.

The Deadly Diamond already lost two. Only Voltage, Avail, Kenith, Daybreak and Emerald were left standing.

Voltage stabbed a grass type, a fire type and two water type Starters that surrounded him. He then threw his knife at a grass type, a Snivy to be exact. The small Snivy managed to use vine whip to catch the knife before it could stab him and threw it back at Voltage. He was stabbed by his own knife. The knife barely missed his heart.

Emerald used Psybeam on one fire type and the Snivy. She used Psychic to crack their necks in order to kill them.

Lightning got back up to her paws to see Kenith and Daybreak standing in front of her. Lightning quickly attacked with electro balls at them. They were knocked back and she escaped.

Avail saw the Female Pikachu Starter Squad member running and used Psychic to catch her. Lightning struggles to escape. A Shiny Absol Police mon saw her in trouble and used Night Slash on Avail to save her. Lightning was freed but Avail got her revenge on the shiny Absol as she killed her instead by breaking her neck with Psychic.

Avail was then surrounded by the last two fire type Starters. They both used Flare Blitz on her. She dodged the attacks and used Psychic. Avail was soon picked up by Psychic herself. She turned her head to see a Gardevoir. She was forced to put down the Starters knowing she was caught.

Emerald, Kenith and Daybreak were left. They hid behind the wall of the building, hoping they wouldn't be caught. "We need to think of something." Kenith said.

"Sorry guys. But I'm out." Emerald said.

"What you can't just quit." Kenith informed her.

Emerald didn't listen as she took a run for it only to be shot by a bullet seed to the heart. She fell to the ground now dead.

Daybreak's ears went flat. "Baby, I'm a little scared."

"Now don't you quit!" Kenith informed her.

"Where we gonna go? They got us pinned..."

"We fight..."

"Fight?! Have you gone crazy?" Daybreak cried.

"I don't care if I've gone crazy. They aren't going down without a fight!"

"This is the PK Police Department. Come out with your paws up!!"

"Come on!" Kenith told Daybreak. They came out from hiding. They had their paws up in the air. Kenith smirked and started cackling like an evil mastermind. "Fools..." he then charged a Shadow Ball, But it didn't do any good as he was then shot by a bullet seed. He collapsed to the ground.

"KENITH!!!!" Daybreak cried. "YOU KILLED HIM!!!"

Lightning then shocks her with a strong Thunderbolt. Daybreak glared at Lightning before she collapsed to the ground beside Kenith.

The Starters that survived and the PK Police cheered. They have finally stopped the criminals.

That's the end of Chapter 13. There is still more to come. This chapter became longer than I expected so there will be an Epilogue. Just stay tuned for that. Hope you enjoyed ^^

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