Chapter 7

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Kenith, Daybreak and Amber walk around the forest looking for Lightning. Unbeknownst to them, something was watching them in the shadows. "Ah... Now who do we have here?" He whispers to himself. He leaps out unexpectedly at the trio.

Kenith, Daybreak and Amber go in a battle stance. "Who are you?" Daybreak asks.

"Oh relax... I'm not going to harm you I'd like to join you in your little team of criminals. My name is Algeo" the Glaceon in front of them said.

"Algeo? That's a weird name..." Daybreak replied.

"How do you know we can trust you?" Amber asked.

"Oh... I can show you right now because I've just spotted a Starter right behind you." Algeo smirked.

The three Eeveelutions turned to see a Turtwig. "If I kill it for you, will you let me join your team?" He asked.

"Oh sure... If you can kill it." Kenith answered.

"Alright then..."

Algeo then jumps over them. "Watch and learn children."

He then attacks the Turtwig with a surprise Ice Beam, freezing him instantly in a block of ice. He then slams into it with headbutt shattering the block of ice along with the Turtwig , killing him.

Amber, Kenith and Daybreak looked at him surprised. Algeo walked towards them with pride. "So..."

"You're in!" They replied in unison.

"That's what I thought." He grinned.

"Now, we should keep going so we can find that Pikachu." Daybreak said.

"What Pikachu?" Algeo asked.

"A strong Pikachu that is a member of the Starter Squad that keeps getting in our way. Once we get rid of her, the Squad doesn't have a chance." Kenith answered.

"Oh.. That Pikachu won't stand a chance against me." Algeo thought.

I had to bring Algeo in the story from Heart of Ice on my Pikachulover0927 account. It's a very old story and I don't know when I'll get back to it though, but he's a Glaceon who had a trainer abandon him for losing a battle against a Flareon. That utter heartbreak made his heart cold as ice and he turned evil.

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