Chapter 10

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Faith POV: 

Weston curls up closer to me in bed, making my scar ache. I've felt nothing by antsy these last few weeks. The DA is trying my father for assault.... for a maximum of eighteen months... It'll be a part of a plea deal that had Tim outraged. He tried to get them to add on charges for killing Colton, but they told him there simply wasn't enough proof, and that Colton's death had been ruled accidental anyhow. It's not fair. 

The doctors told me I was lucky... The knife missed any of my arteries, as somehow dodged my lungs. I lost a lot of blood, but help arrived fast enough where it was mitigated. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt... I feel like somebody has gone inside of me and scooped out a part of my chest. It feels odd, even though I know that I'm fine. 

I sit up slowly, carefully peeling West's arms off of me. I reach over toward my nightstand, grabbing my cell phone and seeing one notification on the screen. 

Inbox (New Email) - Tim McGraw

I take a deep breath, subconsciously swiping it open. The email has no message, just an attachment. I click the document attached to it, only to have a pop-up tell me my phone can't open the file. I roll my eyes, slipping out of bed and walking over to my desk in the room. I pop up my laptop, logging in, and going right to my inbox. I click the document once more, feeling a little surprised at what I see. It's a song... 


Caught up in a whirlwind... I'm just a dragonfly flyin', and my wings ain't helping me... I'm in a little trouble... I sure didn't see this coming and I have no clue what I'm gonna do now...

And ask me who put me in this twist... Ask me who is responsible for this...

She is... Everything's all her fault... I'm caught up in a whirlwind, and no one can help me... Just ask me who's responsible... She is... Everything's all her fault... Now I'm in love, and I didn't want to be... All because of she...

Days ain't long enough, nights are even shorter, this ain't fair... Time don't wanna give me what I need.... All I'm asking is forever... Forever in a moment... Listen to me this ain't how I talk... I don't know what she done to me... but I like it

And ask me who's putting me in this twist... Ask me who's responsible for this

She is... So everything's all her fault... Caught up in a whirlwind... No one can help me... Ask me who's responsible... She is... Said everything's all her fault... Now I'm in love and I didn't wanna be... And all because of she...

Said it's getting hard for me to picture me without you, with every passing day baby... But it's easy to answer who's the owner of my heart... Simply look at you and say... she is...  

Everything is all her fault... I'm caught up in a whirlwind, and no one can help me, just ask me who's responsible... She is... Said everything's all her fault... Now I'm in love and I didn't wanna be... And all because of she...


I take a deep breath, feeling my chest pound. It's beautiful... I look at the time of the email, to see it was only half an hour ago. What is he doing up at four in the morning? I shut my laptop before I can let my mind run. I stand up and walk into the hall, pacing for a moment. I notice the door to Gracie's room is cracked, making me wander inside. She sleeps peacefully, curled up in a small ball on the edge of her full bed. 

I curl into bed beside her, brushing my fingers through her straight blonde hair. She reminds me so much of him, in more ways than she can imagine. She thinks like him... When decisions need to be made quickly, she's always able to think through things and come up with good solutions. She even writes like him. All of her songs, stories, and poems all sound just like the ones he writes. I feel my eyelids grow heavy, to my own relief. I should probably let myself sleep a little more. I know I'll regret it in the morning if I don't. 

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