5. Handsome

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'I miss you, babe.'

Kit sighed, holding firmly his phone.

'It's just a few more days. A week tops."

'Too damn long! You should have let me accompany you. I know you don't like that place.'

'I'm already skipping work. You cannot abandon your duties too.'

'But I want to be with you, Kit!'

Kit rolled his eyes, exhausted, while saving the phone in his pocket.

In the exact moment his boyfriend saw him online, the man kept sending him messages one after another. Each of them related about how he lied saying the town did not have mobile services. And also inumerables complainings were written down, blaming Kit for avoiding him.

Kit did not feel bad about it, because he just truly and honestly didn't know things had progressed this much since he left the town. At least in the communications systems. Other than that, well, everything remained the same: Boring.

His phone buzzed again, and this time, Kit knew progress is not that awesome when you have an obsessive boyfriend with unlimited messages bugging you every minute of the day.

I wonder why do I like him so much. Kit thought, with mixed feelings in his chest.

Walking out of the house in his third day at this place... felt a lot like breathing. Even though he does not particularly enjoy the contact with the nature, walking around is one hundred percent better than staying in his childhood house, where memories suck out his good mood.

Being alone makes you overthink. And that easily leads you to darkness.

The sun was shining bright. With the last rain of last night erased from the sky.

"Oh! I thought you were planning to sit on that couch for days doing nothing!" Were the shouts coming from the house barely visible because of the trees and tall grass, just like a small jungle.

Kit glared at the person walking too close from the lands his parents worked for, asking himself once again why this dude has the need to trespass limits.

What the hell?

Ming walked showered by sunshine. His skin glowing like melted honey. His hair was dark and fluffy and his eyes sparkled under long eyelashes. He was handsome, that was clear. But it was a waste tha his good qualities were vanished every time Ming opened his mouth.

"Blind because of my handsomeness?" The dark haired man grinned, too much cockyness for Kit to not answer grumpily. 

"What are you doing here? Wayo's not around. I don't have any reason to deal with you."

"So rude!" He smirked. "You shouldn't talk like that to the person who came to feed you. Who knows? Perhaps next time he might spit in your food." Ming said while handing a bag similar to the one that laid empty in Kit's trash since last night.

Once again, a really comforting smell made him smile and his stomach protested by the slow action of its owner. He was so damn hungry already.

"You don't have to follow Wayo and his demands. I'm perfectly capable to cook for myself."

"Really?" The guy's head cocked to the side before taking away the goodies from Kit's hands. "If that so..."

"Wait!" He shouted, grabbing Ming by the arm in a pitiful intent to stop him.

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