9. Clear

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"I cannot believe you ditched your job for us, Kit. I'm so proud of you!" Wayo kept praising him when he found out that Kit asked for a three months leave at the hospital he works on back in America.

Honestly speaking, the doctor took this decision with the only goal to protect himself, yeah. But also his innocent patients.

Kit knew that what just happened here, in this town, was a big deal. And easily classified as 'life changing' material. Then, with so many things still going on in his mind, it would be reckless of him to go back to his daily life at the hospital and pretend that he is okay and not distracted by his own sorrow.

That would be putting the persons at his care in danger. And Kit was not that type of doctor. He was a very responsible human that will accept his current state of mind and work on it in the most reasonable way... perhaps.

"I did not ditch my job, Wayo." Kit clarify to him, again.

"Whatever you want to call it." The brunette giggled. "I am so happy that you will stay. We all are very fond of you, Kit. Even before you were here. Even if I did not know you the way Pha and Beam know you, all the wonderful things your dad and our friends said about you were nothing but the plain truth. You're perfect."

"Stop it. You'll make Pha jealous if you keep sweet-talking me." Kit massaged his temple, trying to not feel shy.

"But I'm just being honest! If I weren't in love with Pha, I' could totally fall for you."

The doctor suppressed the silly smile that wanted to come out but it was useless to pretend that his face wasn't hot and blushy already.

Those words were dangerous, but also really flattering. However, Kit could not see himself falling for Wayo. He has a boyfriend he likes very much, and this kid and his boyfriend were completely different.

Wayo was more like a baby brother type of man. At least for Kit.

"You cannot fall for me, Wayo."

"I won't, but let me tell you: It would be really easy."

At this point, the smirk on the brunette kid and those shining eyes told Kit that Wayo was messing with him since the beginning. He was saying all that with the purpose of making him smile. That child.

"Shut up. You'll make your boyfriend pick a fight with me."

"Fine, fine." Wayo calmed down his teasing. "I'll stop just because I know Pha. And no one likes an obsessive-jealous boyfriend sucking out the fun."

"Yeah." Kit profusely sighed, looking down at his own phone. "They're such a pain in the ass when they behave like that."

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