6. Devil

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"Thanks for accompany me."

Beam rolled his eyes, after the third time Kit expressed his gratitude that morning.

"You don't fool me, Kitty. You did not have another choice. I'm your friend." He grinned, with his hands firmly pressed against the steerwheel. "Your friend who conveniently has a car."


"Important details if I may add." He chuckled.

Kit rolled his eyes too, not willing to admit the embarrassment of getting caught. The car was convenient, yeah, but also a friendly face when you are going to meet a possible stranger is pretty helpful too.

At least made Kit's mind at ease.

"Do you happen to know who is in charge of the offices this year?"

"Duh! Of course I know. Small town, remember?"

How could I forget?

Kit pointed his eyes out of the window. The green reflexes were just a fuzzy vision of the outside world. The brunette couldn't help but compare this place with his home in America. They were very different.

He initially thought changing his life would be a nightmare. But the truth is, his present is pretty good. He lives in a city full of skyscrapers and long roads. People at every corner, always busy and always running. Silence was not an option. The concrete jungle was too nosy with the cars speeding and the cellphones ringing to even wish for quietness.

And here... Well, silence it's the only and single option.

"We're here, Kitty." Beam patted his shoulder, bringing him back from the deepest waters of his mind. "Time to know what the last will of your father is."

Kit sighed, opening the door of the car and hoping out.

After twenty minutes of driving, they were now standing in front of what could be called as the police station of the town. But words were very confusing when you compare the law with a small, old house full of desperfections. Even when Beam knocked, Kit got startled by the rough sound the door made once a good-looking man received them.

"Hey, Baramee. What are you doing here?"

"I came with him, Suthee." Beam pushed Kit to the front. "This guy is Mr. Intochar's son. And we know the man hire you for his legal procedures."

The presumably lawyer smiled sheepishly, walking backwards. A subtle invitation to go in.

In the back of his mind, Kit tried to remember if Suthee was living here before.

"Forgive my boldness, Kittinan. I have to admit I was a little skeptic when Mr. Intochar asked me to include his son in his last will." The man started saying when the three of them reached a type of rustic version of an office. "You disappeared many years ago... We thought something may had happened to you"

Well, yeah. Something happened. I freed myself.

"I'm alright. Ready to hear what Mr. Intochar decided to do with his belongings." Kit politely spoke, not wanting to stay there for too long. He was not in the mood to chat with strangers about where, how or why.

"Actually, they are your belongings now."

Yeah, right. The father of the year opted to name his only son as his universal beneficent.

"He's telling the truth, Kitty. Look at this." Beam said, handing him a sealed letter and a couple of long sheets that had a variety of signatures and legal legends at the top and bottom. "It says the letter is for only you to read. But his will is for you to claim."

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