His Bravery

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Okay, fine. I just had to break my promise. Enjoy!

"Corrin!" Takumi yelled, running over to her, undoing the rope.

  "..." Corrin said nothing.

  "Corrin? Are you okay? Why aren't you saying anything?" Leo asked.

  "Shh! Be quiet! He'll hear you!" Corrin whispered.

  "Who? Takumi whispered.

  "The dragon." Corrin looked afraid. She pointed to a giant figure, a sleeping dragon, deeper in the cave. They all tiptoed out and sailed back home.

  "Clever. You managed to find her with ease. Maybe I'll need to give you an even harder challenge." Oboro appeared out of nowhere in front of the castle doors before Takumi, Ryoma, Hinata, Corrin, Leo, and Hinoka could go in.

  "How dare you, Oboro!" Corrin yelled. Oboro had just used magic to make Corrin pressed up against the wall.

  "Oboro! Stop this madness! And maybe we'll forgive you." Takumi yelled at Oboro.

  "I have to reason to. I always hated Nohr. Corrin prevented Nohr's destruction. I can't have Corrin here. Maybe she'll destroy my other revenge plans." Oboro frowned.

  "There  has to be another way! Come on, Oboro! Why?" Leo yelled.

  "It might be too late. But maybe I'll propose a deal." Oboro suggested.

  "Anything!" Takumi yelled. Blood was streaming down Corrin's arm. Oboro had cut Corrin.

  "Ow... I'm okay, Takumi. A little cut on the arm won't hurt me. Augh!" Corrin yelped when Oboro nicked her wrist.

  "Stop! Just tell me the deal and let Corrin go!" Takumi screamed.

  "Sure. I want you to kill Princess Camilla by tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise Corrin will be dead." Oboro laughed maniacally.

  "WHAT?!?" Everyone except Oboro yelled.

  "Yes. You heard me. Kill Camilla. Well, you can kill Xander instead. Or  Elise. Or Leo. He is right there after all." Oboro smiled an evil smile. "Or instead I can erase Corrin's memory entirely. Would you rather kill Nohrian royalty, or start all over?" Oboro asked.

  "Erase my memory." Corrin sighed. "Please don't kill my friends. It makes me sad to start from scratch, but we can't waste lives. So please, erase my memory."

  "No, there has to be another way!" Leo yelled.

  "Oboro isn't giving us any other options. We have to do what we must." Hinoka sighed.

  "Erasing it is!" Oboro grinned, and with a flick of her wrist, Corrin was back to normal, standing up, with no cuts. Well, normal for everything except her memory.

  "Huh?" Corrin asked. "Where am I?"

  "You are in Hoshido. We are the royal family of Hoshido. That guy over there is from Nohr. He is Nohrian royalty." Takumi explained.

  "Why can't I remember anything? And why am I in front of royalty?" Corrin looked very confused. The group explained everything they could, but they couldn't explain everything without getting a million questions.

  "So... I'm Queen of the Invisible Kingdom? Wow! It sounds like we went on quite an adventure! Why did Oboro erase my memory?" Corrin inquired. But before anyone answered, Oboro disappeared.

  "Can someone tour Corrin around Hoshido? Preferably someone who knows a lot about its history? How about Takumi and Leo. Leo is Nohrian, so it also helps Corrin get to know Nohr as well. And Takumi is Hoshidan. And only I will know why I chose him specifically." Ryoma gave Takumi a look. Takumi blushed hard.

  "Will do, King Ryoma." Leo stated, formally. They started taking Corrin around the marketplace first.

  "So what are your names again?" Corrin asked.

  "You ask so many questions. I am Prince Takumi of Hoshido. This is Prince Nohrian Scum Of Nohr." Takumi stated, flatly.

  "You mean Prince Leo of Nohr." Leo frowned.

  "Nope. I mean Prince Nohrian Scum." Takumi smirked.

  "Wow. I can tell that you two don't get along very well." Corrin observed. "You two should get along more often, considering your similarities. You two are the same age, same height, similar attitude, and you actually have a lot in common. At least from what I've heard. I still don't know if I can even trust you."

  "Well, who else is there to trust? And at least we can tell that her opinion on us being friends didn't change. Well, that's not really a good thing." Takumi told Leo.

  "Nobody else. I guess I have to trust you. Just don't make up lies." Corrin frowned.

  "Well, anyway, this is the marketplace." Leo explained.

  "I know. I've been here before. I don't know when, I don't know how, I don't know why, but I've been here before." Corrin had a look of familiarity. "The only thing that I remember about it, was that it was filled with blood, and that it had  a dark aura surrounding it. I could barely see anything, but I saw these exact shops. With the same people. But they were all dead. They looked a lot younger too." She started to shiver. The memories of people, but lying on their counters, blood, they had dark red eyes, dark auras surrounding them. She never wanted to remember that ever again.

  "...How? How do you know about the Dark Hour?" Takumi asked, with a grave expression on his face. "That's exactly how it looked when that happened. Everything eventually went back to normal, but Ryoma had seen it when he was a baby. This was how he described it. You couldn't have seen it. He never even told you about the dark hour. You weren't even alive for the Dark Hour. Do you have any other memories? Maybe I can tell if they're not yours. I think Oboro gave you one of Ryoma's memories. Leo can tell you if it's not yours because he was with you almost your whole life."

  "I also remember a weird dragon looking thing. It was dead. There were deep wounds all around its body." Corrin stated.

  "That was Camilla's first wyvern. A traitor stabbed it. We still don't know who killed it." Leo remembered. "I think you have bad memories that were taken from us."

  "Oh, and one more! This one was in first person as well. I felt like I could actually feel it. My wrists were chained to a wall, there was a sleeping dragon near me, and I was in a cave." She pointed out.

  "...That is one of your real memories. That is your own." Takumi sighed. He could never forget what happened.

  "...But why?" Corrin asked. Suddenly, they heard a scream.

  "I'll tell you later! Do you still know how to wield a sword?" Leo asked.

 "Yeah!" Corrin pulled out her Yato, questioning how she knew its name. Something jumped out from behind her.

  "I can answer who that traitor was who stabbed Camilla's first wyvern. And why Oboro was a traitor. And the reason you have memories that aren't your own. That scream was from a villager. I'll be cutting them down. Unless you can stop me. It was me. All me." It was Hinata.

I made up for all of the short chapters. See ya!

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