Their Hope

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Last chapter! I really hope you enjoyed the series. This will be a pretty short and tame chapter. Enjoy!

  "Corrin?" Takumi asked under the blooming cherry tree. It had been a month since Leo died. Corrin didn't like to talk all that much, but talked when needed. All the retainers were forgiven, and returned to their positions. Everything was back to normal. Well, not everything.

  "Yes, Takumi?" Corrin forced a smile.

  "You're hurt. I can tell. I would feel the same way losing a family member." Takumi remembered his mother. But he pushed her out of his mind. "But I have one question."

  "And that is?" Corrin asked.

  "Corrin, now may not be the best time, but will you be my girlfriend?" Takumi asked.

  "Heh. You have the worst timing in the world! But the answer to your question is a 100% yes! Thank you, Takumi." Corrin hugged him, as they watched that one memorable, beautiful, falling sunset together.

Yay! A happy ending! Thank you all for reading, and comment to share your Corrin x ? shipping ideas! I hope you enjoyed!

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