"Meet the family, Pat"

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Pat's P.O.V.

I was kind of relieved to hear that Johnny was a greaser as well. He's super easy to talk to and quite adorable. He always looks either nervous or suspicious, even when he's laughing. He asked me my age for no apparent reason, though, which seemed strange at first but if there's one thing I know from back home is to just answer the question to the best of your ability. I hope we can become good friends, considering the fact that I only know him and Dally.

Johnny got up to use the bathroom while he was eating, and I went to get some water since I was parched after drinking that super sugary-but delicious- smoothie. As I sat down, two guys about Johnny's age or older came up to me and leaned on the table with one arm. I just stared at them confused.

"Hey there, doll," The older one said. Great. Another person to call me what is not my name.

"Don't call me doll," I said firmly.

"What's your name then, kitten?" The other one asked. He was really getting on my nerves by calling me those names.


"I like that name, Pat. So beautiful." Now he was flirting.

"It's literally just 3 letters. Are you good?" I replied.

"I'm Jake," said the oldest one, "and this is my brother Xavier."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled friendly. "not," I sing-songed whispered.

"What was that Pat?" Xavier asked pointing to his ear and leaning in closer to me.


"You here alone, Pat?" Jake asked. Man, they fired questions faster than a bullet.

"Nope, I'm here with-" I got cut off when I saw Johnny coming towards them, "Johnny!"

"Pat," he asked, "who are these guys?"

They got to answer before I did, "I'm Xavier, and this is my brother Jake."

Johnny looked at me and then back at them.

"Is Pat your girlfriend?" Jake asked cautiously.

Johnny eyed me mischievously and I got the hint. I knew the game we were playing now. I was surprised that the brothers didn't see.

"No dur," he raised his voice to sound more manly, "I wouldn't let this one get away, would I Pat?"

"Nope," I responded just as chill as he sounded.

"Beat it before I punch ya," He sounded exactly like Dally.

The two brothers looked at each other nervously and then at me and then at Johnny before slumping their shoulders and walking away.

"Oh God," I let out a sigh of relief, "I thought they wouldn't ever go away."

He just chuckled before sitting down and continuing his dinner.

After he finished eating, he offered to walk me home. I told him that I didn't want to be much trouble and then he gave me a whole laundry list of why I shouldn't walk home alone.

I ignored most of what he said but then listened to the last two reasons,"Number nine, it's dangerous out here. Socs attack us greasers usually at night." he talked sheepishly when he said the last reason, "And finally, number ten, you could get robbed. A girl as pretty as you could be an easy target for a lot of perverted guys, ya dig?"

"Yeah? I still don't know what that means, to be honest." I said confused.

"When we say 'ya dig', it's asking the person we're asking if they understand," he said patiently.

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