The Hospital, Part 1

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Dally's P.O.V.

I stopped punching the midget soc and ran over to where Pat was kneeling over Johnny's unconscious body.

"Pat, don't panic," I told her, "let's just take Johnny to the hospital."

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked on the verge of crying.

"I'm pretty sure he's just unconscious." By then the soc that had punched him was on the verge of punching Pat but I punched him first. "run before you get punched!"

Pat ran to my car and sat at shotgun while I put Johnny in the back seat. Still unconsious. He had a black eye where that beast of a soc punched him. 

We drove to the nearest hospital where my girlfriend worked. Thank gosh for her. "Felicia! Felicia!" I yelled across the room to the receptionist.

"Dally?" She asked puzzled, "is that you, babe?"

"Yes, honey. We have an emergency. Johnny here is unconscious!"

She tapped super quickly on her keyboard and within minutes, a proper nurse took Johnny in a hospital bed...

Pat's P.O.V.

"Please be alive, Johnny," I muttered under my breath.

Dally then wrapped his arm around me and led me to the chairs. He reminded me of when Johnny did the same that night before the stupid rumble. God knows what's happening there right now.

After a while, I asked Dally to take me home, since it was late at night and my parents would probably be worried about me. He then drove me home and I asked if he could leave as soon as I got out of the car.

"Ashamed of me?" He put on a fake hurt face.

"No, it's just that my 'rents would probably freak if they saw me with a guy that's older than me. That's just how they are, sorry," I explained.

"That's all right. See you around Pat," and he left.

*** Time skip to the next day***

I was still pretty scared of what happened to Johnny but I decided to go see him anyway. I said goodbye to my 'rents and hurried off on my bike. When I got to the hospital, Felicia was still at the reception.

"Hey Felicia," I waved.

"Oh, hey... Pat wasn't it?"

"Yeah, I want to see Johnny please."

"Alright, room 156 on the first floor," I stared at two doors leading to the rooms. One was on the left and the other on the right, "left door,"

I started off through the doors until I reached Johnny's room. I knocked before coming in.

"Hey, Johnny," I said quietly. He layed on the bed reading something, "watcha' reading?"

Johnny's P.O.V.

I looked up to see Pat. Boy, was I glad to see her. She brightened my day with all her jokes. 

"Hey, Pat!" I exclaimed a little too loud, "I'm reading Gone WIth the Wind."

"Cool, what's it about?" She asked.

I explained the whole book to her and afterward the nurse brought me some lunch. She also offered Pat, but she said she didn't want to eat. 

"Pat, honestly, no offense but you're a stick. You should eat,"

"I know, I know but I'm not in the best mood to eat,"

"And what's that mood?" I asked with a slight smirk.

"A good feeling, like you actually deserve a good meal after you've done something you worked hard for." She responded matter-of-factly.

"You do deserve a good meal."

 "I'm alright." She responded and sat down at my bedside, "how are you feeling?"

"Way better. Especially with this delicious food," I emphasized delicious and waved it in her face.

She slightly swatted my hand and we both started chuckling. 

"To make you happy, I'll get a water bottle from the vending machine outside."

I chuckled outside and she headed outside.

Pat's P.O.V.

As I made my way to the vending machine, I stopped dead in my tracks. Someone's 'bout to get exposed and they aren't going to be happy about it...

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