she's broken but shes fun

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Johnny's P.O.V.

I hear someone screaming from a block away. I start running towards the screaming, immediately recognizing it was Pat's voice.

As soon as I get to Pat, I cannot believe my eyes! My own father was about to punch a girl! He's probably drunk, but I'm used to that.

I start running over to Pat and I push her to the side forcefully as I get ready to get punched by my dad.

The last thing I see is Pat staring down at me with a look of horror on her face...

Pat's P.O.V.

I stare at Johnny on the floor, pretty much unconscious. I look up to see that Johnny's dad is nowhere in sight so I quickly go inside the house to call an ambulance. I also call the Greasers to let them know what was going on.

At the Hospital

As I'm sitting in the waiting room waiting for a doctor to come and tell us how Johnny is doing, I feel someone sit next to me. It's Dally.

"Hey, Pam," he says dryly.

"Hi Dally," I reply, "how are you?"

"I'm alright, how about you?"

"Fine, I guess," I lie.

"How's school?"

"It's alright. I'm doing pretty well in my subjects."

Completely ignoring my answer he starts talking about how much he wants Johnny to be okay. He isn't the only one.

I can't believe him. Well I guess I understand him, who wouldn't be worried about the one person you love the most, right?

Johnny's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of nurses all around me, checking this, checking that, seeing if I'm okay.

"Where's Pat?" I ask groggily.

"Oh, is she the young lady outside waiting for you?" one of the nurses replied.

"I hope so," I let out. Damn, why does my throat hurt so much. I'm used to my dad punching me, so why did it hurt so much this time?

Then I remembered Dally. Those gorgeous brown eyes and that oh so cute smile of his. I missed him. But something didn't feel right between us lately. He's sometimes too busy to make time for us all because he's fighting a dumb soc or whatnot.

I hope things will get better or I'll have to break up with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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