The Car Ride

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Johnny's P.O.V.

I felt a little bit uncomfortable with Dally smirking and glancing at Pat and I but I guess it's what you get from a guy like Dally. I sat up front in the shotgun while Pat sat in the back seat. I would glance at her a couple of times during the car ride and every time I looked, she would be fiddling with her hands or doing something that looked as if she were uncomfortable. Strange. 

Pat's P.O.V.

The entire car ride I was just a nervous wreck. I could sense someone was watching me but I knew that it was probably just my nerves. I didn't know what to expect with Dally and Johnny taking me every which way. As Dally drove, he would point out a few landmarks and places. We then pulled over to a Drive-In Movie Theatre which was open and got out. 

"Pat, what movies do you like?" Johnny asked as we made our way to the concession stand.

"Hmm... I don't know, actually. I think I like horror and romance movies best," I responded. I have never thought about what movies I liked, and those were the ones I usually watched so, what the heck?

"That's cool. I like romance and sci-fi." 

We walked to our seats and then someone tapped me from behind. I turned around and there was a snobby looking white girl. She looked about a year younger than me so I just stared at her blankly.

"Can you move your damn head, greaser?" she snapped.

I just stared at her with a look of disgust, "No, actually. Then I won't be able to enjoy the movie." 

"Ugh. Greasers. So immature and rude." she pronounced so with a sing-song voice.

That's when she actually tipped my vase. I had only known Johnny and Dally for a little while but they're still my friends. One advantage of having me as a friend is that I protect you through thick and thin. I snapped my head back around and threw popcorn and I cursed at her.

She opened her mouth to say something, but only a small squeak came out. It almost shattered my eardrum.

"My dress!" she shrieked. Then I looked down to see a gorgeous red dress made of a silky fabric that shimmered when she stood up covered with popcorn.

"Oh. My. That's a beautiful dress, too bad you can't wear it anymore." I chuckled at my joke and turned back around."

I started binge eating all the popcorn angrily as Johnny and Dally discussed the next rumble. They finally noticed a while later after I started binge eating the candy.

"Woah Woah Woah slow your roll, girl!" Dally took the bag from me.

"What happened to you?" Johnny asked, "I thought you hated candy 'cause it 'damages your temple'."

"That white trash thot behind us offended all of us," I said angrily.

"Tell us what happened, Pat," Johnny said patiently.

I explained what happened and Dally just shook his head. "As a greaser, you're going to get offended a lot. You have to learn to just ignore them."

"Thanks, Dally," I replied with relief.

"You're welcome. Now, hand over the candy 'cause I'm hungry," 

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