The Hospital, Part 2

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Dally is not going to be happy about it. When I stopped dead in my tracks it's because I saw Felicia getting her face eaten off by this other random dude while she was against the wall. Disgusting. Isn't she in a relationship with Dally? I bet he's not going to be happy. I quickly turned back so that they wouldn't see me and practically ran back to Johnny's room.

"Johnny! Johnny! You'll never believe what I just saw!" I exclaimed out of breath.

"What is it Pat?" he asked, "and where is your water bottle?"

"The water bottle is the least of my worries!" I explained what happened and he listened intently.

"Wow. That lying b**ch," he said angrily.

"I know! Just wait until Dally finds out!"

"Wait... We can't tell him. It would break his heart," he said sadly.


As if on cue, the gang all came into Johnny's room and started asking questions about a mile a minute. I just wandered over to a chair near the entrance of the door. Nobody seemed to notice until Pony glanced at me. 

"Are you alright?" He asked as he came over.

"Uh... If I ask you to promise you won't say something, would you keep quiet?" I said quietly.


I explained what happened and he didn't interrupt me, which I appreciated. Back home, everyone would just come into my conversations and interrupt.

While I was explaining the last part that Johnny had said to me, Two Bit came over to us. 

"Sorry to interrupt but Johnny's asking for you two."

We walked over to where Johnny was now sitting up, talking to Dally.

"Pat, you should tell him," Johnny said a little sadly.

"What is it, Pat? Whatever it is, you can tell me," He looked at me with a look of suspicion.

I suddenly got very nervous and felt nauseous. I couldn't bear to see Dally get hurt. He was too kind to me and I repay him with horrible news. I can't tell him. A few minutes passed by and everyone got quiet, while I was still hyperventilating over the fact that I'm a coward.

"Pat?" Pony put his hand on my shoulder.

My throat suddenly got super dry and I couldn't speak.

All I managed to say was, "I... Need... Water..." and I ran out of that room.

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