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Dally's P.O.V.
I've been meaning to tell Johnny for a while now, and today I guess was the best day. But when he told me about his feelings for Pat, I didn't want to tell him anymore but unfortunately my stupid a** mouth works faster than my stupid a** almond shaped brain.

Johnny just stood there with a shocked expression on his face. I wanted to take it back. Damn I'm an a**hole. I feel so stupid now. Then he just shyly smiled.

"I might also have feelings for you too. When I got here, I had the same butterflies that I felt when I was with Pat."

I smiled and he left. I don't know what I'm going to do with Felicia though. She's great and all, but Johnny makes me feel secure and happy.

I might have to break up with her.


Johnny's P.O.V

I ran back to the swing spot and Pat was obviously there. She looked sad looking out into the distance, swinging lightly.

"Hey, Pat!" I called out as I ran to her.

"Hey, Johnny!" She immediately changed her mood. Strange, I guess.

"Did I interrupt you're 'me' moment?" I chuckled.

"Nah, just thinking about stuff," I took the remaining amount of the swing as I sat next to her.

"Guess what?" I sounded like a little kid.

"What happened?"

"I went over to Dally's and he told me he had feelings for me. Is that weird? I never imagined myself with the great Dallas Winston..."

She looked up and looked at me shocked, "Dally did what?"

"He told me he had feelings for me. I think I might have them too," this was weird since I also had the same butterfly feeling when I was with her. Speaking of which, they started really acting up as I was next to her.

"Well, I've never been in that situation, but if I were, maybe I would give it a try and see if we hit it off," she then looked at me with her hazel brown eyes, "do you really like him?"

I wanted to say that I liked her more but maybe I needed a relationship with someone else to get over her. She probably thinks I'm a freak anyway.

"Yeah, I think I do."

"Then go forth and prosper!" She punched the air with her fist.

We both laughed and started talking about what would happen if Dally and I actually took it friendship one step further.

But I don't want Dally as much as I want Pat.

The Swing- A Johnny Cade fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now