The Swing

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Pat's P.O.V.

After a week of being cooped up inside my house, it was finally time to get out. Even I was getting sick of being inside all day sulking which for some reason, makes me feel better. I decided to go exploring, this time without Ricco. I went to the park which led to a sidewalk that was about a yard above the ground. From there I walked to the vacant lot which had a great big tree and a swing that was attached to one of the branches by a rough rope. I sat on it, thinking that I was alone...

Johnny's P.O.V

I went walking to the vacant lot and saw a small figure. Perhaps sitting, I guess. I walked closer and realized that it was Pat. Her back was towards me, so she didn't see me walking towards her. I grabbed the rope and swung it lightly. She jumped, looking startled and then turned around to realize it was just me.

"Oh, hey Johnny," 

"How's it going?" I answered back. It was awkward. I hadn't seen her since what had happened to Dally at the hospital. He still didn't know and was happily dating Felicia still.

"It's horrible. I have no one to talk to." She said sadly.

"You miss the gang?"

"Yeah... But I don't want to tell Dally what happened. He's been so nice to me ever since I came to Tulsa and I couldn't bear to see him upset."

"I guess," I didn't know what else to say so I just moved the rope that was attached to the swing back and forth, "make some room for me." She scooted over and I sat down and we were just sitting there silently. She put her head against the rope. I felt something strange in my body, like butterflies. I've never felt it before.

"Pat?" I wanted to ask her if she knew what was going on with me.

"Yeah?" She asked, not moving her position.

"Nevermind..." I said cowardly. Damn, I'm such a pussy.

The Swing- A Johnny Cade fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now