10: Accomplishments

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You decided to ask what you were trying to accomplish.

"What are we trying to accomplish?" you asked, looking around at the guys. It felt odd for all their eyes to be on you. You hadn't gotten this much attention since you had arrived in the Underground.

"Getting out of this damned place," Yoongi said, giving a scowl. 

"Please elaborate."

Namjoon gave a sigh, looking down at the ground for a moment. He was trying to think. You saw his cheek slightly puff out, his tongue running against the inside of his cheek. "I've been scouring this place, looking at the maps in the Camera Room. I've memorized the layout of this place. I know how to get out, but there's a lot of Camera Guards to get past."

"So, we can't get out?" you said, raising an eyebrow.

You saw Seokjin slightly grin from where he leaned against the wall. He motioned at Hoseok on the bed. You saw Hoseok reach under the bed, starting to pull something out. "We have just the thing for our little predicament."

You watched with uncertainty as Hoseok pulled some sort of box from underneath the bed. He started digging through it, then pulled out something you could faintly remember from your childhood. It was some sort of gun, pure black with all different kinds of buttons and triggers. It was a small device, enough to hide underneath a shirt, tucking into the top of your pants. You had never seen it in action, but it seemed like something you didn't want to mess with.

"Say hello to our little friends," Hoseok said, looking up at you with the gun in hand. He looked comfortable holding it, like he didn't seem to mind holding the device that could possibly end someone's life. 

"How did you get those?" you asked quietly, pointing to Hoseok's hand, staring at the gun with wide eyes. You were a bit scared of the gun, not really adjusted to the presence of it. You hadn't seen one since you were sixteen.

"Jimin has his ways," Jungkook said, hugging your shoulders tighter. He looked at Hoseok, smiling at the gun in his hands. He then turned down to you, cocking his head to the side. "Does it scare you?"

You gave a slight shrug, biting your lip. To be honest, you were terrified. It could kill someone in an instant. That's what everyone said when you were younger, especially the kids that like to make stories about them. "I guess . . . "

"Well, get used to it, because you're using one," Namjoon said, starting to walk over to Hoseok who had all the guns in his little container he had with him.

"She doesn't have to use one if she doesn't want to," Jungkook countered back. His arm was still wrapped around you, like a protective and comforting manner. "She's already freaked out as it is."

"Where are we even going?" you said, pushing yourself away lightly from Jungkook. He didn't seem to mind as you pushed yourself away, starting to walk over to Namjoon. "I have a lot of questions. What's going to happen to us?"

"Just follow us. You want to get out of here, right?" Namjoon said, grabbing the small gun from Hoseok's hands. You watched him study it, then look up at you.

"Yes, I do, but I also want to know what's going on," you said, looking at the gun in his hands. You weren't sure if it was a good idea to confront him with a gun in his hand.

"Just follow us out of here," Namjoon said, slightly giving you a glare. You could see the outside of the cut on his cheek was red with irritation. "I told you I would get you out of here. Do you want to or not?"

"I don't even know you guys," you said, looking around at everyone. Your eyes fell on Hoseok, who was staring at you, no longer a smile on his face. "I barely even know you. What if something happens to us? What if we all end up getting killed?"

"Is that better than staying in this hell?"

He had a good point.

You gave a sigh, shaking your head. You were starting to get frustrated. "I want to get out of here just as much as you, but what if they torture us? Beat us? Isn't that bothering you?"

"Y/N, calm down," Jungkook said, placing a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head around to see Jungkook giving a frown at you. "Just trust us on this. We'll get you out of here."

"Aren't you scared?" you whispered, giving him a sad look. You felt like you were starting to lose your mind. You were going close to your breaking point, but that wasn't even dawning on you.

"I am scared," Jungkook murmured to you, grabbing both your shoulders in his big hands. He looked you dead in the eyes, catching your attention. "I'm scared out of my mind, but look at me. I'm doing just fine. We need to get out of here. I don't want you getting hurt anymore."

You bit your lip. He was concerned about you. This was the first time someone was concerned for you. You felt something warm spread inside you, like there was something more to the horrible life you had lived. You felt like someone was there for you. You were allowed to let your worries fall onto another person. There was finally someone there for you. 

"So, what is it?" Namjoon said, raising an eyebrow at you. "You coming or not?"

You decide to . . .
A) come.
B) stay.

Start: 23.03.2018
End: 30.03.2018

Choose wisely . . . ~

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