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I swear, I keep making these damn authors' notes all for the wrong reasons.

So, here's the deal guys. There's a bunch of random person problems going on in my life right now and finals are coming to bite me in the ass, so I'm really exhausted right now. Saturday I told myself I needed to write, but I only got one thing done. I didn't even do homework, which I did yesterday, and even then I didn't get all of it done that I wanted to do.

I'm really mentally and emotionally exhausted right now. I feel like I haven't been sleeping, and when I woke up this morning, I actually felt like I had slept great from these past crazy weeks. To be honest, I'm really thankful for that I could actually get some rest, because when you're like me, you need medicine to keep me going, especially sleeping medicine. It hasn't really been working, but I'm glad it did last night.

Since finals are coming up and I have a college credit test to take, my teachers are piling us up with packets and studying all in one. At this moment in time, I have two packets I need to complete. I have not touched them whatsoever. The only thing I'm excited to do is to finally figure out what killed someone in my biomedical class. 

I'm sorry, but I feel like this book should go on hold until the end of June. It may be a random spurt of a chapter, but I'll make sure I'll go back to it. With the pressure of what's going on right now in my life, I need a break from at least one of my books. I really need this. A lot of people are telling me this, my family, some of my greatest friends. It's really something I need to do because they can see it taking a toll on me.

I'm really sorry. I'm going to keep trying to put out chapters for "Replaced." "Monitor" will definitely be posted on its scheduled dates because I have all the chapters written out. You guys won't be deprived of too much of my work.

I'm sorry again. If you have any questions, just ask me. I'm going to try and answer them for you. Thank you for your understanding. Happy Living! <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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