Chapter 15

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“Yesterday’s scouting was fun, I wish we can do it again” said Nurul, looking at her torchlight. “Stop staring at that torchlight for God’s sake, the chocolate is served already at the cafeteria” said Siti. The torchlight was flung away by Nurul. “WHERE IS IT?! WHERE IS THE CHOCOLATE!? GIVE IT TO ME!!!!” shouted Nurul. “Calm down Nurul, there are plenty of it” said Nara, bringing chocolates. “YEA! CHOCOLATES!” screamed Nurul. Nara smiled while Siti sighed. “ I think I’m going to get some fresh water at the river. Could bring as one of the experiment substances from the jungle” said Nara, exiting the camp. “Be careful while going over there” said Siti. Nurul is still munching on the chocolate as quickly as she can. “Be careful not to choke yourself with that chocolate Nurul. I’m sure you will be sick if you ate too much” said Nara. “Okay!” said Nurul, with mouth still filled with chocolate.

“River flowing through forest, what a wonderful sight of nature” said Nara, smiling and gazing on the environment. “I know, right?” said Azlan, suddenly come out of nowhere. Nara got shocked a little but quickly calmed down. “Where did you come from?” asked Nara. “From nowhere” answered Azlan. “From nowhere at your head” said Nara. “Same for you” said Azlan. “Its beautiful sight is amazing, isn’t?’ said Nara, gazing back at the nature. “Yea, keep on staring at it until your life ends” said Azlan, moving ahead. “Hey don’t leave me alone here” said Nara, following Azlan from behind. “Why don’t you just gaze at the nature?” asked Azlan. “I just want to take a short look basically, but I don’t really want to stare for a long time” said Nara. “Weird species” said Azlan. “What did you said?” asked Nara. “Weird spices” answered Azlan. “Oh okay” said Nara. “What an idiot” said Azlan, in heart.

“What are you doing Siti?” asked Fahad. “Nothing much, just carrying the boxes of orange from the cafeteria” answered Siti. “May I help you?” asked Fahad. “Just get those empty boxes to recycling trash” ordered Siti. “As you wish” said Fahad. “Like a servant” uttered Siti in a low voice. “Did you say something else?” asked Fahad. “Just do your work” said Siti. Siti carried and put gently the boxes of orange down. “So what else do you want me to do?” asked Fahad, coming from the recycling area. “That was quick, did you really put all the empty boxes at the recycling area?” asked Siti, doubtfully. “Yes, I did” answered Fahad. Siti took a look at the area where the empty boxes were left and what she saw that there were no more boxes over there. All the boxes were moved to recycling area. “That was very fast” said Siti. “I just do as ordered, nothing else” said Fahad.

“So, for how long had you been in this school?” asked Fahad. Siti lifted clutch of eggs in a box. “For like 3 years already” answered Siti, while walking. Fahad followed side by side with her. “It’s a good and pleasant day, isn’t it?” asked Fahad, looking at the sky. “Of course, who would say it’s a bad day?” said Siti. “I would. If I’m not lucky today” said Fahad. “Lucky for what?” asked Siti. “For living” answered Fahad. “Oh, I doubt that” said Siti. “No doubts, just relax” said Fahad, laughing. “Why are they having fun together?” asked Nurul, in heart. Nurul observed them from far, and carefully, she went away once they spilt apart.

“My God, just see the view of the forest from this angle is so beautiful” praised Nara, sitting at the bank of the river. Meanwhile Azlan, who was standing at some distance in water from her while holding the wooden spear, trying to catch a fish. “Will you please be quiet for a moment?” asked Azlan, in a low voice. “NO! You will be quiet and I will speak as I please” said Nara with a smile. Azlan thrust the spear into the water. “BOOM! Finally I caught a fish” said Azlan, taking the pierced fish along with the spear. “Where is it? Can I see it?” asked Nara, standing while trying to look at the fish. By accident, Nara stepped on the wet part of the sand and fell into the river. Azlan heard the splash of water and quickly turn to it. “NARA!!!” shouted Azlan.

Azlan immediately ran to the shore of the river. Nara was seemed to be unconscious and was dragged along with the river. Azlan was being able to outrun the river from dragging her to far away from the camp. He dived into the river, and hardly fighting against the river flowing against him, grabbed Nara’s hand. He swam back to the shore while dragging Nara’s hand. Finally, he was successful on retrieving Nara, who was unconscious, from being dragged by the river. “Nara…?” asked Azlan, panting and slowly. Nara was silent. She was lifelessly lying on the shore. “Nara” said Azlan, checking whether she is breathing or not. He then pressed her chest to force the water inside her out. At the moment, Nara coughed out the water inside her out. Azlan lay down on the shore. “You’re safe” said Azlan, smiling at her. “Azlan?” asked Nara, doubtfully. “I’m glad that you’re not drag along the river” said Azlan. Nara looked at his left arm and leg. “Your hand and leg are bleeding. Quick, we must go back” said Nara, trying to get him up to his feet. But he can barely get up after using his energy to save her. “Wait for a while, it’s only a small bleeding” said Azlan. “What do you mean? It’s not small it’s about 5cm cut at your arm and 3cm at your leg” said Nara, worriedly. “Relax, don’t panic” said Azlan, calmly. “Whatever, just get up already” said Nara, lifting Azlan on her side. “God, give me strength to help Azlan. Please help us” prayed Nara, in heart. 

“It’s almost time for lunch, where is Azlan and Nara?” asked Hariz. “I have no idea what Nara is doing now. What she told us before going out was that she was going to be at the river” said Nurul. Siti agreed with her. “And Azlan?” asked Hariz. “We have no idea” answered both of them. “Hariz! Hariz! Hariz!” called one of the students. “What happened?” asked Hariz. “AZLAN AND NARA!” answered the student, panting. “What?” asked Hariz, doubtfully. “They need medical treatment, an emergency one” said the student. “Show me where they are. Siti, get the medical team here. NOW” ordered Hariz. The student leads Hariz, while Nurul followed them from behind. Siti went to contact with the medical team.

After a moment, the siren of the ambulances can be heard and the medical team arrived. They took out their medical equipment and stretchers. “This way” said Siti, guiding them to Azlan and Nara. “Make way! Make way for them” ordered Hariz. “Step aside, please” said one of the medical team. All students were making way for them. They arrived at the patients. They put on the oxygen mask on Azlan and Nara, and carefully put them on stretchers. Immediately they brought both of them inside separate ambulances. “I wonder what had happened to both of them” said Nurul, gazing at the ambulances as they started to move back to hospital. “I hope both they both are fine” said Siti. Everyone seems to be busy talking about the incident that had occurred. “I have faith that they will be out of that hospital fresh and healthy” said Nurul. “They will be. I hope” said Siti.

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