Chapter Three : Project Partners

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• Three : Project Partners •
[WEDNESDAY - 18th October, 2017]

BAYLEY walked in the woods snapping a few branches as she continued forward, towards the rocks. She reached the end and stare at the water near her converse. It was so clear and quiet here. The only thing that could be heard was the waves of the water. Bayley reached down and touched the water which escaped through her fingers.

She sighed and sat down near the water, she figured she'd stay there for a while.

6:17 P.M

She finally got up from the spot she sat in the entire time skipping rocks on the tops of the water and made her way back through the woods. When she made it back on the road she threw her skateboard down and rode home.

Bayley stepped inside her house and closed the door behind her as quietly as she could. She tried to creep upstairs and was stopped in her tracks by her father.

"Bayley!" He says as they walked over to her. Bayley didn't turn around however, she did freeze in her tracks.

"Yes, dad?" Bayley replied refusing to look back at her angry parents. They both had their arms folded.

"Come here. Your mother and I need to talk to you." He said sternly, Bayley pursed her lips and went back down the few stairs she'd already climbed.

"What happened to your face?" Her mother asked before Bayley could speak she yelled, "And don't you dare lie to me!" She said pointing her index finger at Bayley who stood at the bottom of the staircase.

"I.. I uh... fell." Bayley lied and looked down at the ground scratching the back of her head.

"Your principal called." Her mother said and she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"So you know what happened? " Bayley asked with a smile as she walked pass them into the kitchen. She got the grapes from the fridge and her parents still stood there upset.

"I am fine." Bayley said sitting down near the counter putting her feet up on the counter.

"You are not fine! Look at your face!" She yelled pointing at Bayley's lip which was slightly swollen.

"What's wrong with it? You guys made me look like this.." Bayley laughed and her mother's face straightened more than it already was. "Mom, I'm fine. I'm kidding too. Lighten up will ya?" Bayley said and she grabbed the bowl heading upstairs.

"She never takes us seriously." Her mother said and Bayley yelled from upstairs, "I heard that!"

[THURSDAY - 19th October, 2017]

BAYLEY walked in her class and got in her seat. Today was the day they were going to be assigned to do a project.

"Okay, can I have everyone's attention?" She spoke loud and clear to the class. Bayley looked up from her drawing and at the teacher. "Now, this is going to be your partners for this project and other work unless I say otherwise. There will be NO changing." She made that last part clear enough.

"Okay... The list is up there. You can check to see who you are paired with." She added walking to the back of the class pinning the paper on a board. Everyone except Bayley ran up there to check.

Leah & Kyle
Vivian & May
Ace & Nolan
Rebecca & Charlotte
Kayla & Noah
Christine & David
Sasha & Bayley
Mark & Brian
Nevaeh & Bruno

After everyone sat down, Bayley walked up the board. She looked for her name and spot it. She sarcastically smiled.

Great. Of course I'd be stuck with someone I don't like. How cliché.

She looked back at Sasha who had her arms crossed. Bayley chuckled to herself as papers were passed out. After class everyone filed out one by one. Sasha caught up to Bayley and Bayley stopped.

"You have alot of nerves to come back here." Sasha said and Bayley shrugged

"Eh. I mean... it kind of hurt but, it wasn't that bad. I'd totally beat her ass all over again if I had to." Bayley says chuckling and Sasha didn't answer. She just stood there with her arms folded.

"Our project." Bayley adds and Sasha unfolds her arms and rolls her eyes. She pulled Bayley's hand towards her writing something on it.

"Meet me at my house. Only because I need to do the project." Sasha said before walking away.

"Well, okay." Bayley replied before walking the opposite direction pulling her sleeves down.

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