Chapter Four : Free Falling

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• Four : Free Falling
[WEDNESDAY - 18th October, 2017]

Bayley waited on Sasha as she slowly walked home. Her house was literally a few houses down from hers in the other neighborhood. She threw her skateboard on the ground and skated there.

She got to her front door and before she could knock the door opened. Bayley raised an eyebrow,

"I'm here for Sasha." Bayley said plainly before the man turned away. Bayley rolled her eyes and watched as Sasha appeared at the door.

"Come in." She said as she stepped away from the door and headed upstairs. Bayley followed behind.

"Well.. for starters I was thinking that maybe we -" Bayley started to speak but, Sasha shushed her.

"Listen Bayley, I've got this." Sasha said holding a hand in my face. Bayley sat down on the carpet and she shared her ideas with her.

"You are really smart and I think that's a great idea." Bayley chuckles "You are kinda pretty too. Just mean to me." Bayley added and Sasha stared into her eyes for a while before snapping out of it.

"I know I'm pretty." Sasha replies and Bayley scoffed.

"Of course I get the bitchy response." she said

You are really pretty too." Sasha looked down at the papers. She felt her stomach get butterflies. She's never been called pretty before.

Everyone knew she was tomboy-ish and Bayley guessed they don't see beauty in it

"We should get started on this project." Bayley suggested and Sasha nods

After hours of working on this project with Sasha, Bayley realized that she is really nice.

"You are actually super nice.." Bayley said picking up her cell phone from beside her. "A little bitchy and I hate you but, yeah." Bayley adds staying on her phone for a bit.

Sasha stayed silent. She couldn't believe the girl who she laughed at and picked on with her friends was complimenting her.

"Why do you keep complimenting me?" Sasha asked Bayley who put her phone back down and looked at her.

"It's the truth. Why do you keep being a bitch all the time?" Bayley asked Sasha and she didn't answer again. "Okay." Bayley stood up and packed up her stuff. "I must get going before my mother has a cow." Bayley say before she could open the door Sasha stopped her.

"I'm sorry." Sasha says and Bayley folded her arms.

"Does this mean, you'll stop?" Bayley asked her with a chuckle

"Well, I'll try to get Charlotte and Becky to stop." She said and Bayley scoffs

"Yeah right." Bayley shrugged, "Goodbye."

Bayley left and Sasha shut the door hyperventilating when she did. What the heck is happening?

Bayley didn't take her phone. She snatched it up off the ground and a message caught her eye.

Bayley : 'Doing a project with a girl that hates my guts for some reason. Lol.'

'It'll be fine. Just.. get the project over with and then you can completely ignore them.'

Bayley : It's not that easy. She seriously hates me. All of them do. She's pretty and nice. They all are pretty girls but damn.

'Why is she not nice to you then?'

Bayley : I honestly have no idea.

'I'll talk to you later.'

Bayley : I'll message you when I get home.

Sasha couldn't read anymore. She exhaled and knew that what she was doing was wrong and it needed to stop. Sasha locked the phone and ran down to give her back her phone when she bumped into someone.

"Watch -" The voice said until she turned around and saw the face.

"You forgot your phone.." Sasha said giving her back her phone.

"Thanks. I was on my way back for it." Bayley says pulling it from Sasha's hands before walking away. Sasha sighed.

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