Chapter Twenty - Four : The Party

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• Chapter Twenty - Four : The Party

| Sasha's Point Of View |

It's been six weeks since Bayley and I got back together. We still live in separate houses and she's doing a little renovation in her house so she ended up staying with me. Seth and Roman were actually happy for us both. They claimed that both of us deserve to be happy.

I was picking out an outfit for the WWE party we were having tonight. Bayley didn't want to go and she didn't want me to go.

"Babe, we have to go." I say pulling her out of the bed. She didn't really budge much and she sighed.

"Can't we just call in?" Bayley suggested before she sat up in the bed.

"No. How would it look both of us calling in.." I asked her and she stared at me staying silent,

"Yeah, you're right." She said quickly getting up and looking for a dress to wear. "I'd look like we -" I cut Bayley off

"Yeah I know." Sasha said with a small laugh

"Wear one that's easy for me to touch you and make you uncomfortable during the party." Bayley say and I scoff. She appeared behind me snaking her hand up my thigh straight up to my neck, wrapping her hand around my throat and her other hand was raising my dress up. She revealed my underwear.

"For God's sake, don't wear those." Bayley say laughing and I playfully pushed her off.

"These are cute." I answered and Bayley scoffed,

"I mean yeah but, -" Bayley started to say but, I cut her off.

"But, nothing." I watched Bayley through the mirror and I watched as she went into the bathroom. I stepped in the door was and watched through the ajar door as Bayley stepped into the shower.

I smiled and peeled the dress off my body. I had already showered but, I wanted to mess with Bayley. Once I was naked, I stepped in the shower behind Bayley startling her a little.

| No One's Point Of View |

"Jesus, Sasha." Bayley replied and she relaxed once she felt Sasha's arms wrap around her. "Didn't you shower already?" Bayley asked her.

"Yeah." Sasha whispered kissing her back and resting her head on my back. "I felt like I had to shower again.. y'know?" Sasha answered and Bayley laughed allowing the water to wet her hair.

"I'll shampoo your hair if you want me to." Sasha suggested and Bayley picked up the bottle out of the rack.

Sasha squirted some into her hands and she began to shampoo Bayley's hair. She massaged her scalp just slightly before pushing her head forward to rinse it out.

"Shit Sasha. You could've atleast told me to shut my eyes." Bayley said and Sasha laughed. She quickly spun around and picked Sasha up by her thighs pushing her against the tile in the shower.

"You think that's funny?" Bayley asked her as Sasha removed the hair from Bayley's face and smiled before replying,

"A little yeah." Sasha smiled pushing Bayley's hair back before she playfully rolled her eyes and they showered and got out.

6:37 P.M

The party started at 7:30. They sat in front of Sasha's vanity mirror and they did their makeup.

"Do you have anymore lip gloss. I want my lipstick glossy." Sasha asked Bayley and Bayley shook her head no as she rubbed her lips together to even out the lip gloss.

"I know." Bayley spoke and she puckered her lips. Sasha kissed her and she looked in the mirror.

"Thanks, babe." Sasha answered rubbing in the gloss.


They arrived at the party at 7:00, although it started at 7:30 alot of divas and superstars were already here. The music was loud and everyone was socializing.


When they got home they showered and got into bed.

"Bayley... don't ever pull a stunt like that again. We almost got caught." Sasha complained

"I asked you if I should stop and you said no withna glare. You didn't push my hand off either." Bayley replied

"Shut up." Sasha say playfully punching Bayley's shoulder.


Bayley was usually a light sleeper but, she only woke up to Sasha throwing up. Bayley woke up and rubbed her eyes before getting up and seeing Sasha slouched over the toilet. Bayley held her hair back and grabbed a hair tie from the package on the bathroom counter.

Bayley pulled her hair back into a ponytail and Bayley yawned, "You okay?" Bayley asked her and she nodded.

"I told you not to eat all that food. That was too much." Bayley said patting Sasha on the back lightly. Just yesterday, Sasha ate way too much food and Bayley did not approve. "Do you want some water?" Bayley asked Sasha.

"Yes please." Sasha answered softly.

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