Untitled Part 14

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A/N: Ok so in the last chapter Toni fainted. So from my POV Cheryl's uncle was  at pops and he poisoned Toni's milkshake when no one was looking. So now Toni is in a light coma. So she can hear and remember what people say.

Cheryl POV:

"Someone call 911. Help her! I didn't fall in love and come this far with her for nothing." I said and Fangs got out his phone and he dialed 911. I rushed to Toni's side and I cleaned the puke from her face and around her. Fangs hang up and he was really worried. "They're coming and Sweet pea is going to get FP." He said and I hugged him. "Um I hate to be rude but you need a shower to get the puke off you." He said and I ran to the bathroom sand I had like a two minute shower. I got changed and ran into the living room. The ambulance had come and I ran over. "Family only." They said. "Does girlfriend count?" I asked and they nodded so I got in with her. Even though she's unconscious she is sweating. We arrived at the hospital. I followed the doctors to the operation room and I waited outside and I was watching what was happening through a window. They took out some of her blood and they sent it to a lab. Then they cooled her down while they waited for the results. 15 minuets later the people from the lab came back with the results and they looked concerned. One of the doctors came out to tell me the results. We found a lot of warfarin in her blood. It causes internal bleeding if you consume too much and she bled too much. We have flushed it out of her system but she is in a coma." The doctor said and I burst into tears. "Will she be ok?" I asked and the doctor looked at me with sympathy. "I don't know. I just don't know." He said and I ran to the bathroom. I was extremely surprised when I saw that Josie was there. She looked at me with hatred and she started to walk out but I stopped her. "Josie please listen to me. I know what I did was wrong, I know that I messed up. But I was wrestling with an inner demon. I couldn't be who i was and still am because my mom would kill me, like literally kill me. I understand if you don't forget what I did but I'm not going to spend the rest of my life without my best friend. I don't know what got into me. But now that I have Toni, or had Toni the demon is gone." I said and I  knew what to do now. "A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows, Or maybe like the ocean that gently flows. A friend is like gold that you should treasure And take care of forever and ever." I said and she said the last sentence with me. It was a friendship poem we wrote together a year ago. "You still remember." I said excitedly. "Of course I remember." She said. She walked over to me and I hugged her. Then Betty ran in. "Girls. Toni. Flatline." She said through tears. We ran into her room and the doctors were surrounding her. "Wait her heart is beating." One of the doctors said. I walked in and the doctors left. I grabbed her hand and I cried. "Baby please don't leave me. I can't live my life without you. So if you die, I die." I said. "I love you Toni and never forget it." I said and I heard the girls sniffle. "I love you too Cherry." I heard Toni say. "You're  ok! Thank god! Never scare me like that again." I said and she smiled. "I won't I promise. While I was unconscious I decided that I want to write a song with you." Toni said. "I would love that more than anything." I said and her eyes sparkled. "You two are so cute together." Josie said. "Wait. Are you two friends again?" Toni asked. "Yep." I replied. "Great." Toni said lovingly. "You need some rest. I'm going down to get lunch from the cafeteria. Want anything?" I asked and as soon as I mentioned food, Toni grabbed her sick back and threw up. "I take that as a no. How about some water?" I asked and she nodded. "Be back soon." I said and walked to the cafeteria. I decided to eat there so Toni wouldn't be sick again. Me, Betty and Josie all had our food. Then I got a water and a cherry cola and went back to Toni's room. I handed her the water. She sipped it slowly. I got my cherry cola and I started drinking it. We talked and laughed. Then I saw someone watching. "I will be back soon." I told Toni. I walked out of the room and I followed the person outside then the person turn around and I couldn't believe who it was. "Jason?"

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