Untitled Part 20

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After an extremely active early morning, me and Cheryl are getting ready for school. "Hey babe, can I ask you a question?" Cheryl asked me. "Yeah sure. What's up?" I said and I sipped my tea. "Would you rather die of getting shot through the head. Or a long and slow death?" She asked and I spat my tea everywhere and Nanna Rose laughed. "Dude you're not gonna kill me are you?" I asked her. "No it's just a question." She replied. "Shot through the head." I said. "Are you ready for school?" I asked and she walked into the room. "Yep lets go." She replied. Then sweet pea knocked on the door. "Hey, is it ok if I leave my dog here?" He asked. "Yeah sure. Is everything ok?" I asked. "Yeah I just thought that Nanna Rose would like some extra company." He said and I nodded. Then Rocky ran inside to Cookie. They started playing and tackling. "Ok let's go." I said and then we rode our motorcycles to school.

We arrived at school and we jumped off the bikes and went inside. We saw Kevin and he smiled at us and walked over. "Hey guys, how are you?" He asked and Fangs grinned. "We're Great. How are you?" I asked. "I'm good." He said. The bell rang. "Well I have to go to English. Where are you going Cheryl?" I asked. "I have sport. And we have vixen practice after school." Cheryl said and I nodded. Then I went to English. We are learning about this book called 50 shades of grey. Then my phone vibrated it was a text from Cheryl.

Cherry 🍒: I'm bored 😑.

Cha-cha: Well, you could tell me about your beautiful self.

Cherry 🍒: if I didn't know better, I would say that your flirting with me.

Cha-cha: So what if I am?

Cherry 🍒: Well fiancé dearest you don't need to flirt. We did that enough before dawn 😏.

Cha-cha: hmmm. That was fun.

Then I looked up and I saw the teacher standing above me. "Toni, I'm sure you don't mind me reading out your texts to the class. It seems that it's more enjoyable than my teaching." The teacher said and she snatched my phone off me and started reading the messages out to the class. Some of the students sniggered but Josie and Kevin were mad. "I'm sorry Mrs Pandora, but that is invasion of privacy and is it so wrong to text your soulmate?" Kevin asked. "Yeah and invasion of privacy is against the law. So if I were you I would give Toni back her phone and leave her alone or I will get my stepdad involved." Josie said referring to Kevin's dad. "Is that a threat?" The teacher asked. "No it's a promise." I hissed and Kevin and Josie smirked. "Or I can always read your texts to the class." I said and the teacher was obviously frustrated. "You are a fucking bitch you know that. I wish you Southside scumbags never came to this school. Have your phone back. You and Cheryl were made for each other." The teacher said and she slapped Toni in the face and Kevin pulled out his phone. "I was recording this whole conversation. So back off or my dad gets the recording. Did it ever occur to you that hitting a student is also illegal?" He said. The bell rang and I ran to the bathroom and I burst into tears. I just sat there crying for what seemed like forever. Then the bathroom door opened and Betty, Ronnie, Josie and Cheryl burst in. "Toni are you ok?" Cheryl asked as she rushed over to me and hugged me. "What did I do to her?" I questioned. "Nothing babe you did nothing. You're gonna be ok, ok?" Cheryl said and the other girls were comforting me. "She's going to get what's coming for her, I promise Kev won't let it happen." Josie said. "You should go dark Betty on her." Veronica said to Betty and a faint smile spread across my face. "Maybe you're right." Betty said. "And get you arrested too? No." I said and they all chuckled then the bathroom door opened and Fangs, Jughead, Kevin and Sweet pea came in. "Guys you not allowed in here." I said. "Then let's get out of here. My dads on his way." Kevin said and I hugged him. "Thanks Kev." I said "anything for my boyfriends and my best friend." He said. "Well we have to get out of here now." I said and we all left the bathroom. Then we were in the corridor talking then we heard the sheriff's car siren. Then a few seconds later Kevin's dad came in. "Where is Mrs Pandora?" He asked and Fangs showed him. Then we heard sheriff Keller. "Put you hands Where I can see them then we saw Mrs Pandora running away. She looked at us with anger and she ran towards us. I don't know why but my friends formed a defensive wall in front of me. "Get out of my way. That girl has got to learn her lesson." The teacher angrily said. Then Cheryl punched Mrs pandora in the face. "Girl you just got fucked up." Josie said to the teacher then she threw a punch at the teacher too. Then Sheriff Keller came up behind her and handcuffed her. "You are under arrest, you also have the right to remain silent." He said. Cheryl turned around and I pulled her in for a kiss. "Thank you." I said and she smiled. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I replied and she kissed my forehead and I hugged her waist. "My gaydar is going off." Kevin said. "Well that's one way to put it." Fangs said. "No seriously the chemistry between you two is adorable." Betty said. "Thanks guys, for everything." I said. "No problem. How about we spend the afternoon at pop's after school?" Ronnie suggested. "That sounds great. We will ride on our bikes. We will organise who goes with who after ok?" I said and everyone nodded. The rest of the day went by fast then we all met in the parking lot. "Ok so most of us have motorcycle licenses. But some of us don't. So Josie can ride with Sweet pea and Ronnie can ride with me and Kev can go with Fangs. I said. "Sounds good. See you all there." Cheryl said and she got on her bike. And everyone got on their bikes and we all rode to pops. I could tell that Ronnie loves going on motorcycles. We arrived at pops and we walked in and sat down. We ordered our food and drinks. We were at pops for an hour and then we drove the others back home then the rest of us went to the trailer park. We went inside and Cookie was curled up and Rocky was next to her. "Nanna Rose Where are you?" I asked and she replied. "I'm in here dear. She said and we went to the kitchen. "Did you have a nice day?" She asked. "Not really. But it was fine in the end." I said. "Oh well, I hope you feel better." Nanna Rose said and I smiled at her. We had a great dinner that Cheryl made. Sweet pea had taken Rocky home and he had come back for dinner. After dinner Sweet pea left and we all went to bed.

A/N there is a huge surprise in the next chapter.

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