Untitled Part 37

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Cheryl POV:

I can't believe that we are about to graduate. In a few hours, me and my girls will no longer be students. We will be graduated. I can't believe how much has happened over the years. Loosing my brother, meeting the love of my life, sent to an asylum, was rescued from the asylum by the love of my life, became a gang member, the love of my life almost died, found out my brother is alive, got a puppy, married the love of my life, lost Nanna Rose. Sometimes I feel like giving up without her, I know I have Jason but while he was gone it was only her who cared about me. "Hey dude, do you know where my hair brush is?" I called out. "No way to talk to your wife!" She called back. "You know you love me!" I yelled. "Forgive me if I'm wrong but I never said that I didn't." She replied. "Whatever!" I answered. I heard her walking towards the room so I hid under the bed. "Talk to me like that one.... Cher where are you?" She asked and I was struggling to not laugh. "Seriously where are you?" She asked and I didn't answer. "Guess you won't be able to see my graduation dress early. Shame really." She said "HOLD UP! I WANT TO SEE IT!" I yelled. "Oh, there you are." She giggled. "Sup." I said, struggling to get out of the space. "Need help?" She asked. "It's ok I've got it." I answered. "You sure?" She asked. "Nope I am not sure. Can you help me please?" I asked and she laughed. "Not Funny!" I spat. "Yes it is." She teased. "Get me the hell out of here or I swear to god I will not kiss you for a month." I squealed. "Ok, ok god calm down woman." She chuckled. She helped me get out and she smiled softly at me. "You ok?" She asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I answered way too fast. "Cheryl what's wrong?" She asked again. "Is it your Nanna?" She asked. I nodded and she hugged me. "I miss her too. We will get through this together." She said softly then kissed my forehead. "I love you." I whispered. "Love you too." She replied. "Now, let's go see your dress!" I said excitedly and she grabbed my hand and took me to the spare room. "Close your eyes." She said and I did as she told me. "Can I open them yet?" I asked. "You just closed them babe, wait two more minutes." She said. "Ok, no need to be so mean." I commented. "Just a sec." She giggled. "Wait, so Are you putting the dress on?" I asked. "Yes. Have a problem with that?" She asked. "No, not at all." I answered. "Ok you can open your eyes now." She said. "God finally, you took... wow" words can't describe how beautiful she looks. "Damn, Toni you look amazing. I said. "Thanks Cher." She said. "Not that you don't look hot all the time, because you are the hottest person alive." I added and I ran my fingers through her pink hair. "I love you." She said. "Not as much as I love you." I responded. "Do you know that Jug is sick?" She asked. "What?" I asked. "He has the flu." She answered. "Oh, is he ok?" I asked. "Yeah He is fine. Look, Cheryl now that we are graduating I think that we can start talking about this baby debate that we are having." She said. "Sure. What do you think?" I  asked. "I think that we would both be great parents, but as you know, we can't get each other pregnant." She answered. "I'm not that stupid, but continue." I said. "We need to talk about who will be the father and which one of us will be carrying the baby." She added. "I think that both of us should carry a baby. Not at the same time but at some point, Jason agreed to do it for you because after our last conversation I talked to him about it." I said. "You're right. We should both carry a baby, but who would be the father of my child?" I asked. "I decided on Jason for you, you can think about it for me." She said. Suddenly both our faces lit up. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked. "Say it on three." She replied. "One.. two.. three." I said slowly. "Fangs." We said in sync. "I'm calling him. Like now." I said excitedly and dialed My close friend's number. "Topaz. How wonderful to hear your voice once again." He said. "Great to hear your voice too." I giggled. "How can I help?" He asked. "Do you know how me and Toni are married?" I asked. "Duh!" He answered. "We are discussing babies at the moment and Jason is donating sperm to Toni, we were wondering if you could possibly..." he cut me off. "I'm in." He said. "Really?" I asked. "100 percent." He answered. "Thank you so much. This means the world to us." I said. "It's good! I gotta go. Kev is calling me." He said. "Bye." I hung up. "I'm guessing he said yes." Toni commented. "Yep. Now let's get ready." I said. This was going to be epic.

Unforgettableजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें