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(A/n L/n means Last name and
N/n means Nickname and
Hm/c means Home country/city)

An Unknown Number sent you a Message!

Hey Y/n!

New phone who dis?

Ah I see you didn't saved my number then...

Maybe you changed your number or you mean another Y/n?

This can't be I didn't changed my phone number nor my phone and I mean you Y/n L/n aka N/n

I didn't told the boys nor Hyunsha about my nickname so I guess you must be...


Yeah that's me

Omg how you doing girl??

What's happening in hm/c??

Something's special or...

And how's my family doing??

You can ask a lot Y/n haha...

Nothing special is happening in hm/c just the fact that I broke up with my bf bc he cheated on me but I wanted to break up with him anyway...

And your family is doing great just as weird as always.

I'm doing fine too don't worry.

That is good to hear/read

Yeah btw I have some news for you...

Shoot it

I'm moving to Seoul.

That's great omg

Do you need a place to stay?? You could stay at my apartment if you want.

Yeah thanks.

Btw I found some new YouTube channels that are korean too but they put English captions in them.

And in one of then they mentioned your name.

Do you know them?

Why don't you told me about them?

And why didn't you react to my calls or texts????

Ah yeah one of the boys must have mentioned me bc I helped them writing the captions.

I didn't told you bc they don't really want to get fans know too much or cause rumors and taking risks that they could turn out yandere fans to yk

And to your calls and texts I didn't get any just a few but when it tried to call you you were probably asleep or busy and when I did text you.

So you say that I'm not trustworthy enough?

What a best friend you are

Not even believing me that I wouldn't do such things.

You know what? I'm currently at the airport here and hoped you would  pick me up as my best friend but guess you would think that I'm not here.

Don't bother to contact me anymore

And don't call me your best friend anymore because I don't  want to know a traitor like you.


Ups message couldn't be send

Either the user has blocked you or your internet connection isn't working

Did you really just end our friendship of 20 years just because of that???

Ups message couldn't be send

Either the user has blocked you or your internet connection isn't working

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