Who comforts you after the breakup

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*Disclaimer* I mention Lana Del Rey a few times here and you can change it to whatever singer/band you'd like. I just used her because she's my favorite singer lol


Who: Wyatt

How: He takes you shopping

You and Wyatt are the best of friends and when he fount out Finn cheated he nearly kicked his ass but decided to stay and comfort you instead. He took you to the mall where y'all went to Gucci, Chanel, Prada, Dolce&Gabbana, Tom Ford, Alexander McQueen, Armani, literally all of the most high end stores he could find. Also you are like 98% convinced he bought you Lana Del Rey tickets.

Finn never spoiled you like this.


Who: Jaeden

How: He took you to see Lana Del Rey

You and Jaeden were sitting on your couch watching Disney movies. You and your girlfriend Sophia had just gone through a nasty break-up so, naturally you turned to your bestfriend for comfort. and boY OH BOY DID HE COMFORT YOU. He turned down the movie and turned to face you with a small smile on his face. "What Jae?" "igotuslanadelreytickets" he said quickly. "Ok, lets try that again, just slower." you sighed out. "I uh, I got us Lana Del Rey tickets" he said while looking down. "HOLY SHIT YOU DID" you jumped up and screamed. "Yea" he said, smiling lovingly while watching you dance around.


Who: Sophia

How: You guys had a killer sleepover

She brought you pizza, ice cream, and The Breakfast Club. You and her were sitting on the couch bingeing movies and shoveling food in your face when Sophia paused the movie and turned to you. "(y/n) can I tell you something" she asked. Concerned, you turned your entire body towards her and said "anything soph". "well I uh, honestly I think you can do much better than chosen, I mean he cheated, you fighted so much, he was mean, it was just a hellhole, (y/n)" she said. You smiled gently and moved closer to her, "I know Sophia, I know" you said, cuddling into her side.


Who: Finn

How: He took you to your first carnival(sorry if you've been to one before lol just pretend)

He bought you anything you wanted, whether it be cotton candy and popcorn or a stuffed bear taller then yourself. At one point he saw you staring at the Ferris Wheel and he literally went up to the guy working their and went "how much for the Ferris wheel?" You ran up behind him and said "Why don't we just ride it Finnie" "Oh, yea, ok" he replied. That poor worker was so confused. It all happened so quickly. (woo I'm not fUnny)


Who: Jack

How: he takes you to see Heathers

You two were sitting in the front row of a theater waiting for the curtains to open. Jack had drug you to a theater and then completely ignored you when you asked what you were seeing. He literally just sat there smirking while you were so goddamn confused. And then you heard the most wonderful sound ever, the opening to Heathers: The musical. "Jack you did not" you whispered. "Oh, I did. Now sit back and watch the show" he replied.


Who: Chosen

How: Disneyland fuckers, Disneyland

"Hey Chosen, haven't seen ya in awhile" "Pack your shit we're going to Disneyland" Que you running to your room screaming "DIDNEY WORL"


Who: Wyatt

How: He took you to meet Shane Dawson

"Wyatt why am I blindfolded and in a car?" "shhhhhh we're almost there" wyatt said. "almost wHERE" you asked. "Issa surprise" he replied. After a few minutes, he opened his door and grabbed your hand to help you out of the car. "Ok so there's a few steps we have to go up but I'll help alright" wyatt said. "Jesus Wyatt why stairs" you complained. Wyatt just chuckled slightly, causing you to smile because I mean who wouldn't. Once you got up the stairs you heard knocking and a door opening. "Ok, (y/n) I'm gonna take the blindfold off and just, don't scream ok?" Wyatt said. "Wyatt why would I scream whAT DID YOU DO" As you were talking your voice got louder which cause laughter to spring up from all around you. As Wyatt removed the blindfold you got more and more nervous. Once the blindfold was fully off you saw your fucking idOl. "HOLY SHIT YOURE SHANE DAWSON" you screamed, smiling. "YES I AM" he screamed back. "Oh god Wyatt you're amazing" you said hugging him. "Mhmm" he mumbled lifting you off the ground which caused a chorus of "aww's" to sound out around you.

A/N Hey y'all so uh I kinda got carried away with some of them but my original plan was to just keep it to one sentence and well, you can see how that went.. Also this is my first time writing as much as I did and I guarantee I did terrible but tell me if I forgot anyone... right one more thing lol, I make a lot of very stale, very weird jokes anD I have a weird sense of humor so yeah SHIT ONE MORE THING DAMN IM BAD AT REMEMBERING THINGS this was nOt proof read so yea

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