Languages you speak

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P.S. I gave up translating like half way through because I wrote this without translating it for you nd then 5 hours later here I am translating this shit and guys I'm tired I haven't slept in 30 hours and I haven't eaten in 27 and I getting delusional so some shit may be a lil fucked up sor


Italian and Spanish

-you sang the lyrics to 'Salvatore' by Lana Del Rey and he heard you

-he was so shocked cause like

-you knew what she was saying

-and you could say it


-and sometimes you talk to him in one of the languages

-"Ciao amor" "eheh say it again"

-he gets so excited when you talk to him in a different language

-"pan mohoso" "I don't know what you just said but its beautiful say it at my funeral"

-moldy bread

-you said moldy bread


German and Russian

-sometimes you say random quotes in random languages

-"Умирать от руки с иностранцем"(1)

-she fount out you spoke different languages when you cussed out a chair after stubbing your toe on it

-"Gott verdammt verdammt Stück Scheiße STUHL GEHEN IN DIE HÖLLE"(2)

-She fell out of her chair


Ukrainian and Estonian

-he loves it when you start talking in Estonian

-sometimes you sing English songs in Estonian and he just


-you rarely speak Ukrainian tho

-and when you do it means you are P I S S E D

-you will kill everyone within a 50 foot radius

-^I don't know what radius means I'm just trying to use big words

-"Teemante randmest viskihais mu keel"(3)


Czech and Korean

-"So do you speak north Korean or south Korean"

-"나는 하나님께 맹세코"(4)


-"Spustit sami"(5)


-"oh nothing"


Greek and Japanese

-sometimes you guys have full conversations but like

-you're talking in Greek and he's talking in Korean

-neither of you understand a word the other is saying but that doesn't stop you

-you could be talking about sports and he could be talking about family but you'd both be oblivious to the different topics

-its just

-so adorable


-French and Slovakian and Russian

-"Wow vous êtes vraiment Beau"

-"I don't know what you said but I love you"

-you sing to him in Slovakian

-no one knows why but when he gets mad that's the only thing to calm him down

-especially when you sing so softly

-"Mám sa na vonkajšej strane, zomierajú na vnútornej strane, som tak v láske so sebou"

-he likes when you speak Russian because you only do it when you are mad at someone/frustrated with idiots/something isn't going your way and because you sound like you're like in charge whenever you talk like that(I mean you are but)

-which is really hot


-"Эти идиоты не доживем до завтра, если они Раздражает меня один черт время"(6)

-"I want to marry whatever you just said"

-you are always done with his shit



Chinese and Japanese

-"but aren't they the same thing?"


-the conversation stops there honestly

-he assumes you threatened him so he just


-right the fuck out of there

(1)Dying at the hand of a foreign man


(3)diamonds on my wrist whiskey on my tongue

(4)I swear to god

(5)execute yourself

(6)these idiots will not live to see tomorrow if they annoy me one more time

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