Ur a musician 2.0 but its just finn because im tired

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Fuck is up ur Ariana grande

Also has anyone noticed that I post like once a month and then just completely disappear for a while
Cuz I've noticed
Will that pattern change? Nah
Also rhis tweet has nothing to do with the story I just got bored and wanted to procrastinate writing uwu

General info: you're a very famous young musician, you're currently on your sweetener/tu,n world tour. Before every concert a few sPeCiAl fans get let in and you just sit and chill and sing with them. You don't wear your concert clothes, just some oversized clothes, cuz lets be tea we all know her concert clothes r uncomfy as fuck. Instead of sitting on the stage overlooking everyone, you just plop ur ass on a fucking table that's sat in front of them.

Setting:6:30 pm, pre concert hangout (partiality), Ontario, Canada
•Boi Hes fuckin excited
•Hes wanted to see u in concert for so long and now he's managed to get tickets to h a n g o u t w i t h y o u
•Oh FUCK Hes fanboying soMEONE CALM HIM DOWN
•So he gets to the venue right
•Hes there early cuz ya know
•Hes him
•And he sees you walking to ur dressing room and nearly faints cuz omg he lov u
•So the guards escort him to the aReA where you'll be performing/hanging out
•As soon as u walk out and sit on ur lil fuckin table he immediately knows he's wholeheartedly in love with you
•U spot him in the small little crowd of people and smile at him, knowing he wouldn't want to be swarmed by fans rn
•U remember seeing somewhere that Finns favorite song of yours is 'get well soon' sO NATURALLY THATS WHAT U SING
•Ofc we're skipping the concert parts
     Except for these highlights
-Finn was in the pit and when you turned around you accidentally flashed him and he almost fainted
-You screamed 'shout out to Finn wolfhard' right before singing gws
-He got a video of you holding his hand and looking directly into the camera while singing
-Also got a video of you winking at him singing 'I'm so into you'
       Highlights over uwu
•Hes a rich boi so u know he bought m&g tickets
•This is the best pic I have leave me alone

•So it's this but with a way bigger height difference•I'm 4'8 and Finn is 5'11 so like•For ME it's a way bigger height difference but just•JuST DO WHAT U WANT IMAGINE THE PIC HOW U WANT I DON'T CA-•Excited doesn't even come close to describing wha...

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•So it's this but with a way bigger height difference
•I'm 4'8 and Finn is 5'11 so like
•For ME it's a way bigger height difference but just
•Excited doesn't even come close to describing what he's feeling right now
•You invite him to come spend the night with you! And have a sleep over! I promise this is pure!
•So naturally he's all like JEGSKEGEISLGEURK and ur like ARE YOU OK
•he's not
•He's really not
•U guys decided that since he's not filming/doing literally anything he can just
•Tag along for the rest of the tour
•U only have 4 more states to viSIT ITLL ALL BE FINE
•so on the first night ur actually giving urself a small fucking break for once and scheduled the next concert 3 days later
•Which means 3 days of just u two hanging out in one of the most luxurious hotels in Canada
•Big boi fuckin cries in the car ride to the hotel
•And you're just like
•Please no please stop I love you come here gimmie h u g
•And so u lean over and cuddle up to him and he just fucking sobs in ur hair
•I'm literally on the verge of laughing why is the only person who finds my jokes/humor funny me
•So u get to the hotel and ur just like
•So make urself comfy!! I'm gonna change and then we can order room service and watch a mOoOoOoViE!!!!!
•He loves you
•He's literally in love with you
•He can't breathe
•Hes dying
•He turns on his phone and live streams while ur changing I-
•So when u come out of the closet
•Wait no that's a different chapter
•u just see this absolute babey talking to his phone and decide running and tackling him on the bed would be a lovely idea
•U two literally had such a fun time on the live
•U even managed to record a few songs
•Not professionally of course
•When u we're doing that Finn just sat and was so in awe by u and ur sheer amazingness
•The fans were all like
•Son of a bitch we have a new ship qUICK EVERYONE SCREENSHOT
•Y'all literally we live until u fell asleep
          -U made a little circle with the sheets in the middle of the vERY large bed and rested against eachother and had the phone sitting on the little bed table thing (is supposed to be for food I think)
•And the only reason it didn't actually record u two sleeping is because u accidentally kicked the table off the bed
•Clumsy bitch
        Sum smol highlights of the live
-You jumping on Finn
-You painting Finns nails and giggling like a child
-Finn trying on one of your performing outfits, ripping the bottom in half, and u screaming 'OH SHIT HE T H I C K'
-U trying to explain the hotel staff that, No, You absolutely were NOT stealing ice out of the machine to fill ur bathtub just cuz u can
    ~Que Finn coming out of the bathroom with a bunch of ice cubes in his hand
     ~And you slamming the door shut
-Ur dad calling you while u and Finn were cuddling and asked you to PLEASE for the love of god scoot away from that boy
          The highlights r over uwu ily
•When u woke up Finn took u sightseeing all around Ontario
•U wore a bunch of his clothes
       -That magically appeared cuz I forgot to include that u stopped by his house to get clothes for ur tour
•U wore his sweatpants and a sweater and thEY WERE SO FUCKINF BIG ON U AW
•He cri
•U guys were waking down the sidewalk of this little outdoor strip mall and u were skipping and he was all smiley cuZ U LOOKED SO CUTE BUT ALSO BECAUSE U GRABBED HIS HAND AND REFUSED TO LET GO
•U spent the whole day walking around Ontario and shopping
•When u got home to the hotel u forced him to have a like
•Spa night
•With u
•He was very against it at first but then u pouted and he just turned into fucking putty
•So that's the story of how he ended up in a fluffy pink bathrobe that says 'juicy' on the ass, a white fluffy headband holding his hair back, a face mask on and sipping sweet tea
•Did I mention the bathrobe has juicy on the ass
•Did I mention
•d i d i f u c k i n g m e n t i o n
•U definitely posted a fuck ton of pictures of him like that
•He got revenge tho
•He posted a picture of u mid yawn
•After ur little spa night u two fell asleep in ur weird little blanket nest

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