how he reacts to someone grabbing your ass

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I dropped my dog and as soon as I did I thought about this so


-so u was lookin fiiiiiiiiine

whats new AYOO

-and jack had the brilliant idea to touch

-finn however did not think it was very brilliant

-finn also did not appreciate u fucking moANING YOU KINKY ASS BITCH

-finn does a punch



-wyatt is a not smart boi

side note isn't he dating someone now?

should I take him out of the book out of like respect for the girl/guy (I literally don't know ok I just read that he has a s/o it never specified gender don't  @ me)

-wyatt saw smthn he liked

-so he grab

-bad decision wyguy

-Sophia attac

she protecc

she attacc

cuz no one slaps her girls bacc

^I couldn't think of a world that meant ass that ended with a k so

-but seriously she lost her fukin shit bro


-it was Sophia

-he doesn't care

-dosnt know about the gay

-thought it was friendly

-was wrong


-why does boys touch things they lik


-finn why

-why did you have to do this

-so basically

-ur fine ass was walkin around in a short skirt

-finns dicc went uwu

I need to not

-so he grab

-he rough bro

-jack attac



-Jeremy really didn't mean to

-he was trying to put his hand on ur back to keep u moving cuz u like ?? just fucking  ??stopped?? like u just stopped walking in the middle of a group walk

-what the fuck bitch

-but he was used to doing that when ur not in heels but

-this time u were in heels so u grew sum inches and he put his hand where he normally wpuld but sur fucking prise  that's ur ass

-jaeden freaked but thn all was explained and it was chill again




-lmao anyway

-so chosen just saw you from the back

-and u had ur was hair up so he did know it was u

- and he just

-gently uh


-the butt

-that is attached to u

-wyguy does not appreciate

-wybie attacks

-noodle gets banned from the building

-you get mad at wyborn


-Sophia whY

-Sophia saw smthn she liked

-so she touched

-she touched hard man gah damn

-u got a handprint on ur ass now boi

-Jeremys to soft to do anything

-so he just accepts the gay

I saw the bohemian rhapsody movie last night and also when I was leaving the theater I was crying and trying to dance like Freddie mercury and I stepped into a crack and rlled my ankle and that's the story how I dislocated my ankle thank you and goodnight

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