Workout you do

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I just got home from the gym and I figured 'ayeeeee fuck it' so these are workouts I do/have done ok goodbye for now


Warm up: 5 Minute jog

Main: 10 push ups

20 punches(preferably on a punching bag lol)

10 donkey kicks

^the fucking name gets me going every goddamn time sorry

10 clamshells

1 minute planks

10 bridges

now repeat all of that

10 times

Cool down: 5 minute jog


Warm up: A mile jog

Main: 60 punches

15 pushups

20-25 squats(depends on how I'm feeling)

20 burpees

20 climbers

20 back kicks

20 bridge taps

10 triangle crunches

10 air bike crunches

Just repeat all of this 10 times

literally its the same for all of them

repeat guys


Cool down: Just some stretching


Warm up: Well ok so this isn't really a proper warm up but at the time the gym I went to was in a different state so I walked across a mile long bridge but I mean if you did this on like a treadmill or smthn walk for like 2 miles cause from my house it was half a mile to the bridge and then once off the bridge it was half a mile to the gym

Main: 40 Knee-to-elbow

20 squats

20 climbers

10 rotation planks

40 second elbow planks

20 deep lunges

10 push ups

10 sit ups

20 sitting cross punches

Repeat: 10 times

Cool down: walk 2 miles


Warm up: Just basic stretching lol oops

Main: 20 high lunges

20 high squats

20 deadlift twists

20 rotations

20 leg swing + knee up

20 punches

10 plank knee ins

10 upward dog

^oof what a name

10 superman stretches

Repeat: 7 times

Cool down: Yoga with my sister

^doesn't need to be with your sister lol


Warm up: 10 minute jog

Main: 10 squats

10 squat punches

10 squat cross steps

15 pushups

40 second balance stand(alternate legs kiddies)

20 lunge step ups

10 sit up punches

10 crunch-kicks

10 side V's

Repeat: 7-8 times

Cool down: never really had a cool down for this lol I just kinda sat their panting


Warm up: Sprint around the block(about a half mile)

Main: 10 jumping lunges

40 punches

20 high knees

10 squat front kicks

10 plank leg raises

15 knee to elbow climbers

20 cross punch situps

10 reverse crunches

10 knee to elbow crunches

Repeat: 10 times

Cool down: yoga with sissy


Warm up: 5 minute jog

Main: 20 lunge step ups

20 slow climbers

20 wide squats

20 shoulder taps

10 plank rotations

20 push ups

10 sit ups

10 sitting twist

10 leg raises

Repeat: 7 times

Cool down: once again, yoga with sissy

NOW, keep in mind I don't workout every day, I workout 3 times in a 5 day weeks. So Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On the days between that(Tuesday, Thursday)I do boxing and another type of training that I cant tell you because I don't wanna get my ass kicked wooooooo.. The only days I'm not working out/fighting is Saturday and Sunday..... Even tho sometimes I train a little bit on Saturdays. So uh, yea


So, don't forget to take a small break between the uhm, uh, fuck I forgot what the word is, OK DONT FORGET TO TAKE LIKE A 2-5 MINUTE BREAK BETWEEN THE LITTLE REPEAT THINGYS CAUSE I DONT WANT YOU DYING OK

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