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So basically, the avengers are crossed over with well, our universe, like now time, and you're part of the team


Best friend: Bucky Barnes

Powers: You can warp reality, so you can make things seem different than what they really are which comes in handy on missions when you want to make your target believe you are dead but in reality you are like 5 feet behind them with a gun

What he does when at the tower: gets jealous of everyone; gets intimidated by everyone because they interrogate him because, ehem, 'he is dating their precious child'-tony and 'they'll snap his neck if he hurts you'-literally everyone else

Who out of the team has a crush on you: Bucky Barnes

How he reacts: "fuck he has a metal arm how do i beat that"


Best friend: Pietro Maximoff

Powers: Pyrokinesis and super speed, hence why you're so close to Pietro

What she does when at the tower: Make friends with Nat because ayeeee fellow redhead

Who has a crush on you: Pietro

How she reacts: "fuck wait no he has super speed AND a dick; she's gonna leave me"


Best friend: Tony Stark

Powers: You control the main 4 elements, tony often calls you mother earth but i mean its better that short stack so

what he does when at the tower: Stay by your side because he's scared of the looks the avengers are giving him

Who likes you: Peter parker

How he reacts: "i don't give a shit if he's a superhero ill kick his ass"


Best friend: Steve Rogers

Powers: None you just kick ass, youre basically a mini Natasha

How he acts when at the tower: Nervous because its the avengers



How he reacts: "wait ok but like, did the serum grow everything? 'Cause like if so id leave me too"


Best Friend: Bruce Banner

Powers: Nothing to extravagant really, just that you have powers like Hela(from Thor Ragnarok )you grow weapons out of your had basically, although you can do more

What he does when at the tower: He just watches you train and sometimes he makes slight conversation with a passing by Avenger; he's literally the only one not nervous

Who likes you: T'Challa

How he reacts: "Shit he's a king i cant compete with that"


Best Friend: Loki

Powers: Loki

What he does when at the tower: Watches you prank/mess with people, with Loki  

Who likes you: Loki

How he reacts: "I already know I'm fucked"


Best Friend: Natasha Romanoff

Powers: jellyfish


Powers: You can talk to animals/"control" them(like if you told a bird to go shit on someone's car, they'd shit on someone's car

What he does when in the tower: Admires you playing with animals

Who likes you: Thor

How he reacts: "he's a god. Literally"

In wyatts when i said Loki for powers i meant you have the same powers as him lol

seriously I'm all over the place tonight i don't know what the fuck is going on or what the fuck I'm doing but I'm doing it so

not proofread don't @ me

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