Things you do that turn them on (characters)

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I'm writing the requests right after this I promise lol

Most of these also have a lil softness in them so

Dear lord save our souls

Read at ur own risk lol

fucking hell everything
—When you look up at him with really innocent eyes and a cute lil smile he just fuckin heishwuwjsbdhwiwosk
it's one of the things that turn him on but it's also one of the things that just make him wanna cuddle u n love u n shit
—when u sit like on his side
Like not really on his lap but
Liek on his thigh
Makes him think of u riding his thigh
—when ur standing n hugging and u like turn ur head all the way up and put ur chin on his chest and look up at him
—when u moan duh
—when u giggle during sex
—ur kinda like a little tbh

-basically the exact same thing as Richie
—but she especially adores when she's eating you out and u like grab n pull at the sheets
—she also enjoys when she makes ur legs shake
not just ur legs but like ur whole body ya feel
—she just loves u Sm
—eVErything u do turns her on
but also just makes her wanna cuddle up with her baby (aka u) and just treat u like the precious thing u are
—she likes when u try to be dom but eventually give up and just let her do her thing
-ur also basically a little
—likes when u lay on top of her (like actually lay, not straddle or sit-up or anythn) and sorta grind against her thigh
—likes when u openly talk about things u wanna try in the bedroom
—LOVES when u get all pouty and jealous cuz she'll take u home and jus fuck you and reassure u that ur the only one she loves 😌
—when u let her watch u masturbate
and when u look her in the eye when u do it
—when u cry during sex
I uh
I don't have an explanation for this it's just what I like

—when u giggle
—when u grind on him in ur sleep
—when u whisper 'Mikey' in his ear
—he's a simple man
—this man has a spanking kink and u can't tell me otherwise
—loves when u trace his muscles uwu
—when u give him the lil tired n worn out smile u fuckin cutie

—when you like grind against his hand
—when u smile n clench ur teeth when he fucks u hard
—when u act all innocent
—when u tell bevvy about how good he is in bed
—when ur eyes roll back n ur mouth falls open he just fuckin shaohwwijebeidldbsp
—when ur panting on his chest and ur like completely fucked out 😌
—he jus wanna cuddle u after that

—when u wear his clothes
—when u get excited n u start jumping up and down
it's even better if ur in his shirt with no bra
big bill enjoy
—when u call him master
—when u look him in the eyes and grin really wide with ur mouth open
when he's fucking u
n ur bouncing under him
—when you guide his fingers when he
fingers you
—when u jump on him n cling to him
He loves the height difference so much omg

—same as rich/bev
—but also
—loves loves LOVES when u surprise him when he comes home
like when u wear his favorite lingerie and just
he love uuuuuu
—when u suggest kinky shit to do in the bedroom
U wanted to have a threesome once
so u did
surprisingly he enjoyed it
liked just watching
especially enjoyed when bev forced u to look him in the eye when she fucked u from behind 😌
^strap on incase ur wondering
—honestly at that point u kinda just wanna pull a Carol and Ross
— anyway

—he sorta just likes spanking 🤷🏻‍♀️
—he does however enjoy when u act like a little
Makes him feel really manly tbh
Likes how innocent u are
—like to use toys on u
(Vibrators, dildos, etc.)
—thas all 🤷🏻‍♀️

Bevs is extra long (😉) cuz I'm gayyyy

If u leave a hate comment I'll reply and fuckin own ur ass
Jk ill delete it and cry to my friends

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