TV show/s you star in

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Not proofread because I'm a dumb fuck and needeed to update


American horror story: You are a reoccurring guest and so far you've been in all seasons, but your most 'known' season is Freakshow where you played Dandy Mott's little sister. The character was very innocent and smiley but so fuckin creepy, like she just had a very eerie feeling about her.

Stranger things: You played 10, El's younger sister, your love interest is Will which slightly pisses Finn off. You and El escaped together and you have different powers. You can control the elements, so ya know, earth, wind, fire, air, oH LOOK YOURE AN AIRBENDER

Everything sucks: You play Kate Messner, not much to be said, good bye


The Goldbergs: You play Adam's close friend who he has a crush on

beep beep

Jessie/Bunk'd: I'm running out of ideas, you play one of the Ross' adopted kids(youre jessies favorite shhhh don't tell)

^these are gonna get shorter and shorter

Twd: You play Daryl's daughter and Carl's love interest. At first your character seems very innocent and childlike but hOT DAMN YOU KICK ASS
Supernatural: The Winchester's little sister, adopted by them, but still

K so,,, imma stop doing explanations and stuf because I'm running out of ideas sOrRy

^bitch you and Meghan are so close I can't E V E N
^^lol the royal wedding still has me shook

-The handmaids tale
Oof the book was lovely

-Jane the virgin
^eheheeheheh,,,,,,,,,,,, virgin
^^sometimes even I think I'm 5
-gossip girl
^just pretend it's ya know, still being made
^^wrong words I know

-Alias grace
^fucking aMAZING
-Jessica Jones
I'm A bA d Bi TcH yOu Ca Nt K i L l Me

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