little sister ~ stanley uris

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"Stanley Muriel Uris you stay away from my fucking sister"
"My middle name isn't Muriel Richard"


"Stan stop!" You laughed out as your brothers best friend poked you. You and the rest of the losers club were currently walking to the Tozier's house after a long day of superhero work. It wasn't actually superhero work, you just liked to call it that, all you did was murder a extraterrestrial clown who ate children. Richie was observing the scene before him with a scowl on his face.
"Ya know Richie, it's pretty damn obvious they're perfect for eachother, you can't keep them apart." Said Eddie in a matter-of-fact tone. Richie glared at the smaller boy and said, "Shut the hell up kaspbrack, if I can prevent my little sister from dating that perv I will." Eddie immediately knew what Richie was gonna do a attempted to clamp his hand over Rich's mouth, but sadly he failed.
"Hey shortstack! Get your ass over here and spend time with your big brother!"
Eddie just sighed and shook his head, ultimately deciding to just let it play out and enjoy whatever shit show was about to occur. You took a glance at Stan and walked over to Richie with a smile on your face.
"Hi bubby!" You said as you gave Rich a hug. He just wrapped you in a hug and glared at Stan with a triumphant smile on his face. Stan glared back but decided he could use his alone time to think of a plan to kiss you. As he watched you and Richie pick up your walking pace so you were eventually walking infront of him, he decided to just do it right then and there.
"Y/n! Can I talk to you for a second," he glanced at a glaring Richie, "alone?"
"NO," your big brother began, "I mean, no, no alone time, at all, ever."
"Fine." Stan then grabbed the sides of your face, leaned down, and slammed his lips on yours. Your eyes widened as your hands shot up and layed on top of his. Richie immediately loST HIS MARBLES and pushed Stan off of you.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER YOU PERVY JEW?!" Richie yelled at Stan. The entire group stopped walking now, and Bill immediately grabbed you and walked you away from the boys, not wanting you to see what was bound to happen. Stan only glared at Richie and tried to follow after you and bill, but was stopped by Richie punching him in the face. Stan's hands shot up to hold his cheek as he turned to face Richie better.
"What the fuck?" He spoke, now extremely angry.
"Stay. Away. From. My. Sister." Richie said with his teeth clenched together. Stan drew his fist back and punched Richie so hard he was knocked off his feet and onto his ass.
"I tried my fucking damnedest to make you accept the fact that I loved y/n, but I see now that no matter what I do or how much I try to prove myself to you, you won't accept shit. You're my best friend rich, but I love her more than anything, and I will be with her no matter what you say." Stan spoke as he looked down at Richie. He then turned and walked towards the Tozier household, where you and bill now were. He made a mental note to thank Bill for making sure you didn't see that, he (and everyone else) saw you as a baby who needed to be shielded and protected. It's a miracle they even let you tag along to fight IT, but they knew you were safer with them than you were alone. As Stan walked up the steps to your house, he heard you talking to Bill.
"I can't believe he kissed me Billy! You know how long I've liked him!" You said excitedly, not realizing what had occurred between your brother and your crush just a few minutes earlier. Stan felt his heart skip a beat, he had figured you liked him by how you acted around him, he just never knew for sure. He opened the door and watched as your head flipped around and your eyes light up as you saw him. You jumped off the couch and practically threw yourself into his arms, standing on your very tip toes and wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. He buried his face in your neck and wrapped his arms around your waist, whispering "will you go out with me?" as he did. When he felt you rapidly nod he smiled and squeezed you tighter, straightening his back and lifting you up. Once he was holding you and you lifted your head out of the crook of his neck, you gasped and raised your hand to gently touch his check.
"What happened?" You softly questioned.
"Richie freaked when I kissed you and punched me, we ended up getting into a fight because he doesn't want me to see you." Stan spoke. You sighed softly, and kissed his slightly bruised cheek.
"Richie can't keep me from you, Stan" you mumbled, pressing your face back into his neck. Stan carries you over to the couch, gently sitting down while still holding you, meaning you were placed on his lap. Bill had left to the kitchen a few minutes ago, to give you guys the alone time Richie so desperately did not want you to have. Stan didn't say anything back to you, just cradled you against him and closed his eyes, eventually you two fell asleep like that. Bill walked in and saw the very cute scene and (since Stan was leaned against the arm of the couch) grabbed the blanket from the arm chair next to you guys and covered you up. He decided to stay downstairs instead of going up, he knew he'd have to deal with Richie when he arrived home, but he didn't mind, his two best friends were happy to be with one another and that's all he wanted, his friends to be happy.

——— Alternatively ———
Stan's hands shot up to hold his nose. "Ah shit, here we go again." Said mike

Stan carries you over to the couch, gently sitting down while still holding you, meaning you were placed on his lap. Bill was "reading" one of your vogue magazines, upside down.

I'm not used to writing imagines so this isn't really all that good and I apologize Rhythm_06
I also sorta strayed from the plot a little bit, I hope you still like it though!

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